
記得3年前,第一次參加溫哥華暑假最大的活動---欣賞煙火秀,下午2-3點左右就必須抵達English Bay,佔好觀賞煙火最好的視野(View),以備晚上10點才開始的煙火秀),所以務必自備野餐食物當晚餐吃,因為沒經驗,又多了一位同學的女兒(來自澎湖),因為深怕炎熱的氣溫會弄壞其他鹹的食物或水果,又不知善用洋人的利器>>冷藏箱。所以我只準備了甜食(自製的甜吐司、蛋糕)與開水,結果小孩吃甜的食物吃到喊膩了。

如果早幾年,讓我看到9月1日 "the province news"(溫哥華的當地報紙)內刊載的文章>>>Beach Banquet Bonanza---Top 5 picnic foods,又學會如何使用外出型的冷藏箱,那必是皆大歡喜了!

>>>>>>(欣賞煙火秀的English Bay海灘)



    What's the missing ingredient to sun, sand and surf? Delicious snacks.   Celebrate the laabour day long weekend with a picnic on one of B.C.'s spectacular beaches. Whether it's a family feast or a romantic picnic for two, here are some suggesttions on what to pack for an alfresco feast(戶外的盛宴).

Sandwiches(三明治)>>>Easy to prepare, budget-friendly, sandwiches also unlimited options. Mix and match a variety of breads and fillings. Go simple with ham, egg and cheese, classic with a chicken salad, or luxe with smoke salmon and capers. Another plus: sanwiches are also easily packaged for no-fuss eating on the beach. Trust us, sand doesn't taste so good.

Pasta(義大利通心麵)>>>A perennial picnic favourite(洋人常年來野餐的最愛). To eco the seaside theme, pick a shell pasta and throw in your favourite salad ingredients(加上最喜歡的沙拉). Options include colourful bell peppers, asparague, chives, cherry tomatoes, goat cheese-- whatever is fresh and in season. Choose salads that are best served chilled, and if there's even a hint of mayonnaise in there, pack it in a cooler(冷藏箱)。

Meat(肉)>>>Anything goes on the grill. go wild with steaks, burgers or smokiey. If you're not the DIY type, order some chicken tenders("Look ma, no cutlery!"餐具), the classic deepfried checken bucket, or its healthier sibling, rotisserie chicken(烤雞肉).

Fruits(水果)>>>the best beach food I've had on a sweltering(悶熱的) summer day was slices of watermelon(西瓜) and two juicy peaches(水蜜桃) bought from a pedlar(小販).Swing by a fruit stand on your way, or chop up fruits beforehand(預先)and pack in Tupperware(保鮮盒). If you have the time, fruit skewers(成串) stuck in a whole pineapple makes for a tasty--and visual--treat.

Add exotic flavour(加上異國情調的風味)>>>With vancouver's vibrant(活耀的) and cosmopolitan(國際性的) culinary scene(烹飪的舞台), why limit yourself to trusty standbys(替代品)? Most supermarket delis offer great nibblies from around the world that make for great picnic fare. Try Indian samosas or Greek dolmathes. Asianf99d fans can go with chinese dumplings, Vietnamese salad rolls or Japanese sushi rolls.


2年前從一個庭院舊貨出售(Yard Sale)家庭,以$20買下一大一小的冷藏箱(Cooler)後,夏天出遠門旅遊或上大賣場買魚肉鮮奶,只要前一天冷凍一罐2公升的奶瓶水,一罐可樂瓶水,第二天出發前,將冰水罐放入大小冷藏箱內,再各放一個大塑膠袋(蓋在最上面用),就可以出門整天,而不怕氣溫高而壞了食物。>>>>>>>>>>






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