

人生分好幾個階段(年輕有活力,越老越沉寂),但我好像越老越活躍於人生舞台,不管人生先前如何過來,也許換了一個國度,一切都要重來,認識新環境與工作職場、學烘培與庭院的管理、如似小孩般的學英文、就如我的孩子所說 "Mom越來越年輕了",不管我已經漸漸老態了,可是心中一直想學新國度的事物與人文,所以參與了了社區的義工,只要我有一絲的時間,哪怕只有星期六,我也答應了。結果我的最愛>>>星期六的Hiking(森林健走)也得犧牲了。人生有許多的取捨,就看每個人的需求來割捨,我想越快在洋人社區內學好Native Speaker(當地的語言),那我就得選擇了一有機會就申請的勇氣。>>>>>>

3月8日是世界婦女節,Burnaby 市政府的 Family Life Institute 機構於今年(2008)年初第一年舉辦婦女互動活動,機構遴選了8位Mentors(良師益友)、8位proteges(受保護者),這16位婦女除了未來6個月私下彼此交流外(在工作上成功的婦女輔助新移民或單親媽媽從新進入加拿大的職場), 還參與Burnaby城市最大兩個大賣場(Loungheed Town Centerl and Brentwood Town Center)的服裝秀(Mall內的各服飾店、 皮包店與鞋店免費提供每位Mentor 或 Protego各3套衣服Fashion Show 的演出)>>>>>>












****Burnaby地方報紙是此活動的贊助者之ㄧ,所以在三月29日 星期六的 Burnaby Now報紙內有詳細的刊載 此活動的詳情,茲供參考>>>>>

Events for women offered at local malls-----Lougheed, Brentwood town centres present special events for Women of the World

Two local malls are getting into the spirit of the Women of the World program.

On Friday and Saturday, April 4 and 5, Lougheed Town Centre and Brentwood Town Centre will join with Burnaby Family Life to present two days of multicultural entertainment, educational  seminars(專家討論會), informational exhibits and a fashion show for the Women of the World event.

The primary goal of the event is to provide information on employment readiness opportunities to low-income and immigrant women through educational workshops and mentoring(顧問指導).

Eight women who are currently enrolled in Burnaby Family Life programs have been selected as proteges(受保護者) for mentorship. These women are either single mothers and /or new Canadians on limited incomes.

Mentors(良師益友) were selected through an application process. They are eight women who are active in the Burnaby business community and who have overcome their personal challenges to achieve successful careers. Mentors and proteges were introduced and given an opportunity to get acquainted with each other at a meet-and-greet event at Brentwood Town Centre on March 11. It is hoped that the mentorship program will provide inspiration(靈感) and guidance for the proteges as they develop their career paths.

On April 4, Lougheed Town Centre will host the formal opening ceremony of the program. Invited guests include Community Services Minister Ida Chong, the mayors of Burnaby, port Moody, Coquitlam, port Coquitlam and New Westminster, Burnaby city councillors, Tri-City MLAs and MPs, the Burnaby fire chief, the RCMP superintendent(監督人) and other notables (顯要人物)from the Tri-City area.

Burquitlam MLA Harry Bloy, who was instrumental(有幫助的) in procuring(取得) a $10,000 contribution(捐獻) from the provincial government, has been invited to formally declare the event open.

Immediately following, women are invited to attend six seminars given by experts in their fields, on a variety of areas such as professional dressing on budget, hair and makeup, financial planning and self-defence(自我防禦).

Several merchants from both malls have demonstrated(表示) their support of this program by loaning clothing and other product for the fashion show on April 5 and by donating prizes for the event.

Additional sponsors of the event are the B.C. provincial govenment, who contributed $10,000 for the development of the program, the Burnaby NOW newspaer and the Burnaby Board of Trade.



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    溫哥華的世界(Vancouver's World)

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