
我想靈芝在台灣已經快絕跡了,因為它的用途非常地受歡迎,但是在加拿大,它們只是森林中的一部分,見怪不怪!(Japanese name is " sarunokoshikake"  means monkey's chair.English name is "Ganoderma Applanatum' and  Chinese name is  "mythic fungus". It is a good medication plant growing all over the world .)



近日讀到一篇文章--Take a hike for health,真是心有戚戚焉!。>>>>>

    Walking is one of the easiest ways to work into an exercise routine. You don't need any fancy gear or an unlimited time schedule. All you need is to find a beautiful area, a good friend whose company you enjoy, and 20 minutes. In those 20 minutes you can get a great workout that will boost your metabolism, clear your mind, and energize your soul for the rest of the day.

     when starting a walking program you should start off slow and on easy terrain. This means sticking to cement or gravel paths with no hills. Pacific Spirit Park、、Stanley Park or Jericho Beach are ideal places to get started as they offer great terrain and amazing views of our great city.

     When you feel yourself adapting to your new program then you can increase the workload by adding more challenging terrain like hills or technical trails. This will work more muscle groups and your cardiovascular system,so add these in small increments to allow your body to build up the strength and stamina to handle these harder workouts.

     Soon enough you and your body will be craving more. Instead of sticking to the same routine you can now head off and enjoy the beautiful terrain around Vancouver's local mountains. You may need more time to explore, however, the experience will be well worth it. Congratulation, you are now hiking.

     Agian, on your first outings. stick to well extablished hiking trails. The steeper terrain, roots and rocks will make these workouts much harder, so take your time and enjoy wsatching your body adapt. The Baden Powell Trail, which snakes its way from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove, is a perfect area to explore. You can tackle it in small sections each week and revel in the fact that you hiked the whole thing.

     On your hiking days make sure you are prepared for being a little more self-reliant. There are no snack shops or shelters out in the woods, so be sure to have a small pack with some extra food、clothing and exxential items in case of emergency. Traveling with friends is the best way to stay safe out on the trails and it also lessens your chance of running into a bear due to your talking.

     Hiking does equipment due to the terrain and conditions. Start with a good solid shoe, I find trail running shoes the best as they have an aggressive sole but are lightweight. Use a good layering system with a base layer that fits next to your skin, a warm breathable layer, and finally a shell jacket to keep the elements out. Enjoy your self!

**** 有空,我會好好地翻譯好以上的文章,供喜歡hiking的好友們閱讀********


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