台灣前幾天有5級的地震,這是在釋放地底的能量,是好事,儘管如此,台灣每約60年左右仍會有大地震(約7-8級)產生。反觀大溫哥華區,也是位於地震帶 (seismic zone),我已經在此定居近8年了,我不曾感受過大小地震!  它沒像台灣或日本每年在釋放能量(小地震不斷)。


移民過來溫哥華的第二年初,我曾參加過 Richmond (列治文市)的中僑互助會的報稅義工群,有一次幫忙一位老太太條報稅表時(年約70歲),她親口跟我提起列治文市在30-40年前是一片沼澤地 (Swamp),當時市政府為了招攬更多的人過來居住(洋人大多不願意),他們到溫哥華市中心的中國城發傳單.....願意到列治文市居住的家庭,市政府會免費送一塊地,這對移民來的中國人,能夠住在獨立屋(Single house),可是一大天賜(但不准蓋地下室),所以這一路幾十年下來,此城市累積了居民人數,也讓更多的新移民到此城市落腳,因為出門做任何事,不用英文也可以通(70%的華人),況且國際機場就在旁邊(幾十分鐘就可以到達,對那些當空中飛人的父母放心許多。本來市政府不允許蓋大樓的政策,近十幾年來,為了人口的急速增加,也不得放鬆政策...蓋起大樓。>>>>>



In an effort to help immigrants in the provincial workforce, the B.C. Federation of Labour is offering a free ESL course starting in January.
     The evening workshops are open to workers throughout the Lower Mainland, including Burnaby and New Westminster, who want to improve their English speaking skills while learning about workers' rights and workplace health and safety.
     Topics will include workplace violence, preventing back injuries, workplace chemicals (WHMIS) and identification of hazards.
     This is the sixth year the program has been offered in the Lower Mainland and it is a popular resource for immigrant workers, according to the B.C. Federation of Labour.
     Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate and an invitation to a graduation dinner. All levels of English are welcome, but participants must either be Canadian citizens or residents working or intending to work in B.C. sometime in the near future.
     The course runs from 5:45 to 7:45pm Tuesdays and Thursdays for 12weeks, starting Jan. 15, at #200-5118 Joyce St. (at the Joyce Skytrain station in Vancouver).
     This program is coordinated and run by the Health & Safety Centre, a division of the B.C. Federation of Labour, with funding from the B.C. Worker' Compensation Board (WorkSafe B.C.)
     For more information, or to register for the program, visit

                                       ******* 老師的地震小考試 如下>>>>>>>

The ground is shaking beneath you. It's an earthquake, and what you do in the next few seconds and minutes could be the difference between life and death or serious injury. Answer these 10 questions to test your knowledge of what to do when an earthquake strikes.

1. Fast asleep in the middle of the night, you are shaken awake by an earthquake. What do you do? ..........a) Jump out of bed and run to the nearest doorway.
                     b) Roll out of and under the bed.
                     c) Stay where you are and cover your head and neck with a pillow.

2. An earthquake strikes as you're getting ready for work or school. What is the safest thing to do?............a) Get out of the building as fast as you can.
                       b) Get under a sturdy table, cover your neck and hold on.
                       c) Get in a doorway and brace yourself by holding onto a frame.

3. Your family is enjoying a picnic in the park when the ground starts shaking. What's your plan of action?......a) Take shelter under the nearest large tree.
                                    b) Curl up in a ball on the ground.
                                     c) Get to the nearest open space and drop to the ground.

4. An earthquake has just struck and you're at the beach. Where's the best place to go?.........
             a) Higher ground                    b) Run into the water.          c) The nearest lifeguard tower

5.  You've just experience ed a major earthquake and you're wondering what to do next. Do you?...    a) Immediately shut off the gas line
                  b) Call 911 to report the quake.
                  c) Put on protective clothing and begin assessing damage

6. After a quake, you notice you've got cut on your forehead from flying glass. Your neighbor may have a broken ankle. Who do you treat first?
                   a) Yourself, then your neighbor.
                   b) Your neighbor, then yourself.
                   c) Neither, call 911 and wait for the paramedics.

7. You've been through a very strong earthquake and your home has suffered moderate(=some) damage. You're worried about the gas lines, but don't smell gas or hear it leaking. Should you shut off the gas just in case?......a) Yes              b) No.               c) Not sure.

8. You're driving and it feels like you've got a flat tire, but  then you realize it's an earthquake. What should you do? .......a) Speed up to get away from other cars around you.
                                                   b) Wait until you're under an overpass and then pull over.
                                                   c) Pull over immediately and keep your seat belt on.

9. After a strong earthquake, there are a number of small fires in your neighborhood. What should you do?      a) Call the fire department, but then start working on putting them out  yourself.     b) Don't bother calling the fire department. Just try to put them out yourself.    c) Call the fire department and wait for firefighters to put out the fires.

10. The water is off and you don't have any in your earthquake supply kit. What is a good source for potable(=drinkable) water?    a) A swimming pool  b) A spa        c) Canned vegetables

ANS:  1. c    2. b    3. c     4. a    5. c   6. a    7. b   8. c   9.a    10. c

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