前院的榛果樹、李子樹與紫丁香,從11月份就陸續掉樹葉,為了清空去年就累積 下來的堆肥桶(3大桶),趁不用上班的一天(又沒下雨),將堆肥埋入菜圃的土壤內過冬(它是豐富土壤的改良劑),明年的春天開始,又是肥沃的菜圃,我可以省去每年買肥土的費用! 既省錢、環保又運動,何樂而不為呢!
加拿大的每個城市政府,都會在當地的報紙於每個季節買下一段篇幅,宣傳市政府的理念,這次有關秋冬落葉的資訊,對有獨立屋的屋主或喜歡種花草蔬果的新園丁很管用,即時我已經做好幾年的堆肥了,還是 喜歡分享這些舊資訊給新移民的朋友們! >>>>>>
Don't Leaf it on the street>>>>>>>>>>>>
Leaves blown from your property onto streets could pose safety concerns and cover catch basins which are located next to the sidewalk or curb.
Covered catch basins could result in localized flooding during rain events. Extra leaf and yard material can be dropped off at the City's Recycling and Yard Waste Depot.
Don't Leaf it alone>>>>>
Leaves left or put onto City streets can potentially result in localized flooding due to clogged catch basins. Help us by removing leaves and debris away from the catch basins so the water can easily drain.
Burnaby residents can dispose of leaf and yard trimming debris in several ways:
Green Can Collection Program (for yard trimmings and food scraps)- leaves, yard trimmings and food scraps can all go in your Green Can for weekly pick-up.
落葉 覆蓋位於人行道上或路旁邊的水蓋,可能會導致在雨季中水蓋堵住而積水。幫助我們將水蓋上的樹葉和碎片去除,水可以很容易地排掉。
綠色桶回收計劃(院子裡的修剪碎片和食物殘渣) - 葉子,庭院的修剪碎片和食物殘渣都可以放在綠色回收桶,每週政府的車子來回收。
Back Yard composting - place leaves in your backyard composter to make your own rich soil amendment. Pick up a composter for $30 at Burnaby's Recycling & Yard Waste Depot located at 4800 Still Creek Ave. Burnaby>>>>
後院堆肥- 將自家的落葉,放在後院的堆肥桶,它是豐富土壤的改良劑。堆肥桶一個$30(從2008年就是這個價格,即使2012後的物價已經漲了近2倍,如麵粉10公斤裝從特價的$3多,現在已經$7多).,可以在本拿比資源回收和庭院垃圾站 (地址位於 #4800 Still Creek Ave. Burnaby)購買。
Burnaby Recycling and Yard Waste Depot - Residents can drop off 100kg of leaf and yard trimmings per day free of charge! (Proof of residency required)
本拿比資源回收和庭院垃圾站 - 居民每天可以送100公斤的落葉和庭院的修剪碎片過去(免費)! (需要本地的居住證明)
For more information, on Burnaby's Collection Program and the Recycling and the Recycling and Yard Waste Depot, visit www.burnaby.ca/garbageandrecycling
有關詳細信息,在本拿比的回收計劃、資源回收和庭院垃圾站,請參閱 www.burnaby.ca/ garbageandrecycling
備註: 每個城市的堆肥桶型狀與大小不一。
市政府呼籲市民>>>>>Please help us by not blowing leaves from your property onto the street. Collect and place the leaves in your household Green Can for pick-up. (請幫助我們不要把樹葉從你的庭院吹到街上,收集樹葉並放置在您的家庭綠色桶子,讓垃圾車載走。)