*******專指成人高中>>>>正常年紀無法修完高中課程的年輕人或移民過來的成人皆適用 ************
任何時間(anytime) 任何地方(anywhere) 任何一個人(Anyone)
提升成績分數(Upgrade your marks) 半工半讀(Study part-time)
英文課程(Language programs) 準備讀大學(Prepare for post-secondary)
任何時間都可以開始(Start any date) 食品課程(Foods courses)
更改課程計畫(Adapt your schedule) 給年輕人與成人(For youth & adults)
體育課程(Physical education)
Need some extra science courses so you can enter that LPN program? Want to create more room for electives next semester? Looking to get your Dogwood diploma to land a better job?
Whether you’re in high school right now, have already graduated, or need to graduate, you can take free, part-time virtual high school courses from Summit Learning Center-anywhere in British Columbia. We offer continuous intake, so you can start and complete your courses on any date. And our excellent teachers, resource materials and technology ensure a quality educational experience.
Learning at home?
Summit also offers complete Distributed Learning programs for Kindergarten through Grade 12 students who wish to do their schooling from home. Find out more: call us at 1-866-881-1984 or email Summit principal, Cathy Anderson at cathy.anderson@mpsd.ca
Your choice for home and virtual education in BC /SummitLearningCentre.ca/1-866-881-1984