
定居加拿大已經6年多了,第一次在溫哥華參加華人舉辦的 "新春大遊行(Spring Festival Parade)" 與 "綜合大匯演(Variety Show)"。 自己的國家文化已經看過大半輩子,早就失去那種欲望去觀賞,這次如果不是自己的寶貝小女兒將第一次登場跳現代舞,我還真的懶得出門呢! 而且整天下著毛毛細雨呢!

溫哥華華人 "新春大遊行" 從中午12:00開始,因為女兒的舞群下午1:30才開始,所以Helen 朋友(如果晴天,她早就騎單車自己出遠門了)與我在華埠廣場(Chinatown Plaza)外的街道旁(Keefer Street 奇化街)先觀賞華人新春大遊行,直到下午1:30後才進入廣場欣賞年輕人的舞導表演>>>>>





這是太子元帥吧!  >>>>>>>>>



華裔警察騎單車在遊行行列穿梭,碰到小孩外套的拉鍊沒拉上,還會過來叮嚀要拉上喔!  "現可下著毛毛細雨會著涼的,媽媽在哪裡呢? " 這真如台灣的人們保母.....警察!  天下的警察都是一樣的好!  有些警察還穿起熊寶寶裝來娛樂路邊的小朋友。>>>>>>>


因為在華人商場內,所以不可避免的一年一次商店前的舞龍舞獅 "精彩舞出" (也是最後的壓軸戲)。每一個店鋪前高掛一顆生菜(Lettuce),經幾分鐘的舞獅後,  龍獅吃下生菜, 再吐出灑至店內,希望每一商家各個生意興隆。 >>>>>>

一個洋人老人院,經一批菲律賓工作者的精心布置,竟可以將餐廳點綴得像中國人的家(我華人的家都沒如此呢!) 我曾好奇的問此活動組的主任,哪裡拿到如此多的新年東西>>>>>"華人的超市.....大統華T&T"。 有心,連洋人的主管與一批不過農曆年的菲律賓人都可以辦到龍粒年的氣氛!

****喜歡欣賞更多的2012龍年溫哥華春節慶會相片者,請參閱>>>> (共有 10頁)


以下文章摘錄自溫哥華的免費報紙>>>24H  .................

City erupts in celebration

Even with the grey skies above, Chinatown was an explosion of colours and sounds Sunday as the Chinese Year Parade took to the streets.

 “It’s the year of the water dragon after all, so it’s only appropriate we welcome it with rain,” joked Con. Heather Deal, who celebrated the event by handing out red envelopes filled with candy, a tribute to the lei see traditionally filled with money and given out on holidays as a sign of blessing.

 Despite the rain, thousands of people lined the streets to enjoy the festivities honouring the Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year. Colourful flags rose high above the ground and firecrackers popped, sending crackles through the air.

 Many participants also braved the rain to perform lion and dragon dances, traditional performances believed to scare off evil spirits and summon good fortune.

 Lion dances typically feature two people hidden under a costume, while dragon dances feature a team of dancers who hold up the dragon costume with wooden posts.

 The weather certainly didn’t stop Christine Sween from bringing her two daughters down to enjoy the sights and sounds.

 “We’re so lucky to be living in a multicultural city like this and to have (the parade) this close by…is fantastic,” she said


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