
爬過西摩爾山後(全程來回約13公里),才體會之前爬過的高斯山不算什麼,因為路徑多小石頭路、不明顯的指標,最重要的是小蒼蠅與蚊子一堆(真像住在台灣的夏天夜晚不掛蚊帳睡覺的滋味,還更厲害,而且小蒼蠅還老是往眼鏡與臉上貼,超煩的! (這時候,如果能戴上開喜婆婆的帽子,鐵定超舒服的!),但是它不舒服的代價,就是換來遠眺美國的Baker Mountain(貝克山)的遠景與溫哥華市中心的美景!

為什麼蚊子、小蒼蠅特多的原因>>>>山上有兩個較大的湖泊(最近較小的是Mystery Lake,另一個最大也最遠的是 Elsay Lake),因為都是死水,所以是牠們的最佳溫床了,>>>



看看洋人的滑雪技術多厲害>>>>>1.   2. 3.  三步驟就已經站穩腳步下來了!



冬天這裡是洋人的滑雪勝地,有私人公司專營此種滑雪覽車(Ski Lift),不用爬山,只要付錢買票,就可以升上頂峰,在滑雪下來>>>>>

這是第一次嘗試下,只走到Mount Seymour(從早上1130開始走到下午約4:00),剩下1.8公里可到達Elsay Lake,怕山上天黑得早,所以不敢繼續走下去(也累了,因為未穿上正式的登山鞋,腳丫丫已經在抗議了)>>>>>


Located just 30 minutes from downtown Vancouver, Mount Seymour Provincial Park has been enjoyed by generations of Lower Mainland residents. The park offers viewpoints overlooking the city of Vancouver and east over Indian Arm Provincial Park. There are opportunities for bird and wildlife viewing and four areas for day-use picnicking are available. There are several lakes in the park. Elsay Lake is the largest. Its waters and those of De Pencier, Gopher and Goldie drain eastward to Indian Arm. Some of the smaller lakes and ponds feed their waters west to the Seymour River.

Visitors will find many trails of various lengths and difficulty. Lower mountain trails are used extensively by mountain bikers and hikers, while upper mountain trails are restricted to hiking. Mount Seymour also offers a multitude of activities for summer recreationalists, include, hiking, picnicking, wildlife viewing, and mountain biking.

Special Features: There are impressive views of the lower mainland, the Fraser Valley and Mount Baker from Deep Cove Lookout Parking Lot and from the parking lots and pull-outs near the top of the mountain.

Stay Safe:

  • The mountainous backcountry is extremely rugged and hiking in this area should be attempted only by experienced and properly equipped backcountry travelers. People contemplating an overnight or longer hike should inform a responsible person or agency of their intentions. This information should include estimated departure and return times.
  • The mountain weather can change very quickly, be prepared by taking warm clothing and/or rain gear. If mist and fog should close in and you become lost or disoriented, stay where you are until the weather clears or you are found. Never leave the trail.
  • Bring your own drinking water as potable water is not available in the park. (西摩爾山國家公園網站)西摩爾山國家公園所在位置) (Mount Seymour  Provincial Park Upper Mountain Trails)

****喜歡欣賞更多的西摩爾山國家公園相片者,請參閱>>>> (共有10頁)


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