如果在加拿大的居民擁有楓葉卡,但是在近4年內(1460天)未住滿3年(1095天)無法申請到加拿大的公民身分者,想到美國與加拿大的邊界城市採購或旅遊,就務必申請美國簽證,全世界的美國領事館(US Consulate)接受申請簽證的方式皆相同(很......繁瑣),得親身前往申請(除非與他們有互惠的國家如下>>>The following countries currently participate in the Visa Waiver Program: Canada, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Denmark,Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand,Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland, United Kingdom and South Korea, 則不用簽證只需用護照就可以),所有的作業,包括面試前的預約與申請表都是採電腦線上進行,這對上年紀的申請者,真是一大挑戰!,這時家中的年輕人小孩最管用了,如果不服老,自己來吧!
第一步>>>>網上約時間( THE APPOINTMENT),以下四種方法,對英文聽力尤其電話中的聲音不好聽清楚者,以網上申情最便宜又方便。結束後務必列印官方確認接受的A4一份資料下來。時間只有早上8點起到11點半止。
You may make an appointment using one of the following methods:
• www.nvars.com (flat rate $9.50 CDN)
• Calling from Canada 1-900-451-2778 ($1.89 CDN /minute)
• Calling from U.S.A 1-900-443-3131 ($1.89 USD / minute)
• Credit Card 1-888-840-0032 (CDN/min charge)
第二步>>>>先去住家附近的照相館指明申請美國簽證之用的大頭照 2張,另外務必要求館長e-mail給我們大頭站的檔案,以便網上申請時,直接上傳檔案到官方的申情表上(否則像片用自家的掃描器掃描出來的畫面顆粒要求無法達官方的標準而不能網上申請成功)>>>想了解其要求標準(Guidelines for Producint High Quality Photographs for U.S. Travel Documents for Visa Online Applications),可上此網站>>>http://travel.state.gov/visa/guide/guide_3877.html 查明。
第三步>>>務必上網 https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/ 填寫 表格 DS-160,上傳大頭照,最後網上確認(Sign and date the application form)後務必列印確認表與所有每一頁的內容下來(上面有個人身分條碼>>>barcode)。(Please note that you must print all pages including the barcode page on the last page which contains all the information)。十幾頁的內容,每一頁都可以存檔到自己的個人電腦的檔案夾內(每一頁如果超過約10分鐘沒動作,官方網站就自動取消,又得從頭一頁開始,如果有存到自己的檔案夾內,官方網站有一個門路會讓先前存檔的資料一一顯現出來。
第四步>>>確定網上申請成功後,到指定的加拿大 ScotiaBank 任何分行(他們有存款單表格提供)繳美金 $131 (填寫一式三份的存款單),事後行員會給兩份收執聯(VISA APPLICATION FEE: Each applicant must pay a U.S. $131.00 application fee, in exact U.S. currency only
(coins are not accepted). This application fee is non-refundable, regardless of whether or not you are issued a visa.This fee cannot be paid at the Consulate. You must present two copies of the receipt for the USD $131.00 nonrefundable visa fee, paid at any ScotiaBank branch)
第五步>>>準備妥當所有要求的以下相關其他相關文件(REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION),準備赴面試時之用。
• 有效的國內護照(Valid passport) • 楓葉卡 • 繳款收執聯兩份 • 證明在加拿大的文件(Proof of status in CANADA) 如楓葉卡 、學生證明、受雇證明、買房子或租房子的証明或銀行的月帳單....等('Maple Leaf” permanent resident card or original Canadian student, employment ) • 第一步的確認時間表 • 第三步的 申請表格確認單與所有的申請表內容(很重要,沒有請下次再來)
面試當天可以開車(領事館的對面街就有兩三家的室內停車場,很貴>>半小時加幣$3.5,一趟面試下來3小時以上,選一天的停車費$18.3到26>>每家收費略有差異,反而比較划得來),或搭捷運來回一人才$10左右。想知道如何自己開車前往或如何搭公共汽車與捷運,上google網站的 地圖網----http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=zh-TW&tab=wl 打上領事館的地址 >> 1075 West Pender St. 與自家的地址即可已得到請清楚楚的指示。
當天會扣留住護照不會馬上發回,兩天後可以親自回領事館拿回護照(內已蓋上簽證的章),或由館方以先前申情者附上的加拿大郵局專用的特種郵遞信封內裝護照寄回申情者>>約數天到數星期內。(There is no same day issuance of visas. All eligible visa applicants must be prepared for processing delays which could take from a few days to several weeks or more. For residents of Canada, applicants should bring with them to the visa interview a Canada Post Express Post envelope for the return of the passport(s). A small Express Post envelope must be purchased for use within British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. For all other provinces, you must purchase a National Express Post envelope. In limited circumstances, applicants may be allowed to pick up their passports and visas on the second business day following the interview.)
備註: 申請護照最好是在自己的國家與居住的所在國申請,否則被拒絕申請的機會會很高。( Visa applicants should normally apply at a U.S. embassy or consulate in their country of residence. If you are not a resident of Canada, interviewing officers in Vancouver may not have experience in evaluating the circumstances in your country of residence. You may, therefore, have greater difficulty establishing your eligibility for a U.S. visa in Vancouver than you would experience in your home country. A substantial percentage of visitors to Canada are denied visas under these circumstances. Consequently, visitors to Canada are strongly urged to apply for U.S. visas in their country of residence.)
備註: 面試當天以下的東西不準隨身攜帶進入(否則不能面試)>>>>食物、飲料、偝包、行李箱、皮包、大型嬰兒車、任何電器用品如手機、MP3......等 。(Prohibited Items Please note that the following items are prohibited inside the U.S. Embassy/Consulate and we have no facilities for storing these items, so please leave them at your home, hotel or in your vehicle: · food and beverages; weapons or tools; backpacks, luggage, or purses; ·electronic or recording equipment of any kind, including, but not limited to: laptop computers; mobile phones; PDAs; cassette, CD, MP3 players, pagers, keyless remotes; and ·oversized strollers.)
備註: 面試當天申請者可以被允許一個帶翻譯的朋友或親戚進去(但此人務必攜帶證明文件,如護照或楓葉卡來證明身分),其他的人不許進入館內。(Accompanying Persons The following persons may accompany a visa applicant during his or her visit to the Embassy/Consulate: · Interpreters: An applicant may bring one interpreter if he does not speak English well enough to participate unassisted in the visa interview. · Special Needs Assistants: An applicant may bring one person to assist him if he is elderly, disabled, or a minor child. · Attorneys: Attorneys will NOT be permitted to accompany clients into the waiting room or at their interview. · U.S. Citizens: An applicant may be accompanied by a U.S. Citizen.)