
考完公民考後的一對一面談,官員問我題目難不難? "很簡單"!  也許是本身個性的督促(做任何事都得全力以赴),從接到通知考試日起的近一個月時間,有空就讀題庫,連政治題目都不放過,結果一個也沒考到政治題。
**********2010年的10月,聯邦政府已經在新 版入籍考試指南中,新增國殤日的歷史意義,其改版的內容加強了政治體制及軍事歷史的篇幅(從用了15年的舊版47頁....名為 "加拿大一瞥 A Look at Canada"  改為66頁的新版....名為Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship)。  


什麼人可以申請公民(Citizenship)?>>>>指拿到PR(Permanent Resident) 紙後,住在加拿大境內4年(1460天)內須滿3年(1095天)以上者,可以著手申請公民(⟨=en   此官方網站有自動幫忙計算居住日期數的算法Residence Calculator)。這程序從申請至拿到公民卡約需1年的時間。

一般申請加拿大公民的方式有兩種>>>1. 花錢請專業人士代勞(不鼓勵),2.自己上 (加拿大移民局)列印申請表格,按指令一步一步地填寫與準備資料再寄出,或電各地的中僑服務處(專為華人服務的民營機構)約時間與專人會面拿表格與問自身問題,還可以得到諮詢,如果要中僑代勞填寫表格,仍需付費。從申請表格寄出起約7-9個月會收到何時與何地公民考試的通知單(一般約20幾天後就考試了)。但這期間的第3-4個月會收到一封大信封袋(附上一封信>>表示幾號已經收到申請表,而且開始審理與一本薄薄的"A Look at Canada">>> 共47頁,有關考試的內容)。如果考試與面試皆通過,將於4-6個月內收到通知何時參與公民宣誓典禮(Cityzenship Ceremony),如果沒通過考試,將會收到通知何時與公民官員(Citizensip Judge)再一次口頭面試(當然是問有關考試裡的內容了)。如果在申請時已經滿55歲者,不用參與考試,但是會安排口頭面試(內容是有關考試內的題目)。

考試當天約有50人應試(大溫哥華區在溫哥華市中心>>>unit #200  877 Expo. BLVD, Vancouver 在BC Place 旁,開車者可以停在BC place的付費停車場,或搭捷運到Stadium 站下車走路過去),考試前先用2B鉛筆(他們會提供)寫上自己的姓與通知單上CIC號碼,再將自己的姓按A-Z圈黑在1/2A4再小20%的卡片左上方,右上方圈黑通知單上CIC號碼),卡片的中間左邊寫上全名與右邊寫上應試當天日期/時間(按照通 知單上的填寫可),最下面有20題的電腦閱卷(分兩邊,每邊10題,每題有a、b、c、d 的4個選擇,只要選出最正確的一個答案,在對的字母上面圈黑(有30分鐘考試)。答完交出卡片後,轉到隔壁的面試大廳等候公民官員(Citizenship Judge)叫名一對一櫃檯面試(約有4-5個櫃檯),面試的話題與家人、工作類有關(對話有長有短,如你現在有工作嗎? 那老公呢?.....)。從考試到面試結束約1小時時間。(考卷20題,約2-3張,共有8種版本,從A到H,拿到的那一份在第一頁的中間有A到H的其中一個字母,再圈黑在小卡片的右上方欄位(Version)內的其中一個屬於自己手上的字母上。)

只要把238題的題庫背熟,再到此網站  實際的演練作答,保證考100分!  (以下題庫完成於  2009/05)

1.           Who was Canada ’s first prime Minister?    John A. Macdonald

2.           What is the Queen’s representative in Canada called?   The Governor General

3.           What is the name of the present Governor General(總督)?  2010/11後已經改 David  Johnston 為總督 代替 Michaelle Jean (from Aug. 04, 2005)

4.           What is the Queen’s representative in each province called? The Lieutenant Governor

5.           Who is the Head of State(國家元首)?  Queen(Elizabeth II)

6.           Which party becomes the official 官方opposition?  The party with the second most MPs.

7.           What industry is the most productive in Saskatchewan ?   agriculture/wheat

8.           What is the most valuable industry in British Columbia ?   Forest

9.           What is the major industry in Alberta ?   oil and gas

10.       What grain does Saskatchewan produce the most?   Wheat

11.       Quebec has the largest dairy farm industry.

12.       Ontario is the biggest producer of metal.

13.       What coast is British Columbia on?  West cost/Pacific coast

14.       What word is Canada from?   Kanata(=village)

15.       What is the Canadian Shield(地盾)?  a rock formation millions of years old那是一塊經過数百年而形成的巨大岩

16.       Where is the Canadian Shield ?    Northern Quebec and Ontario

17.      61. Why is the Canadian Shield(地盾) important to Canada economy?  It makes Canada one of the world’s leading producers of minerals because of the rich mineral deposits(礦床)of gold, silver, nickel, zinc, copper, and iron ore礦石 which are found in the ancient rock of the Shied.

18.       62. Which four important minerals are found in the Canadian Shield ?    Gold, silver, copper and nickel

19.       Which territory shares a border with another country?    Yukon Territory

20.       Which province is Canada main producer of pulp(紙漿) and paper()?   Quebec

21.       Which products are produced in the Niagara Peninsula(半島)?  peaches, apples and grapes

22.       What are the three levels of government in Canada ?   Federal(聯邦), Provincial/Territorial(/特區), Municipal or local(市或本地)

23.       What is an “electoral district(選區)  geographical area represented by a member of the House of Commons(员代表一上的區域)

24.       What are the parties that are not in power called?   Opposition parties

25.       How are senators(參議院議員) chosen?   Are chosen by the Prime Minister(首相) and appointed(指派) by the Governor General.(總督)

26.       Who do provincial members of the legislative(立法的)or national assemblies(立法機構) represent?  Everyone who lives in the provincial or territorial electoral district(議员代表每一居住在他的省内選區的人

27.       Why did early Europeans come to your region in the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s or early 1900s?   fur trade

28.       From where did the first European settler in Canada come?   France

29.       When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence River ?  Early 1600s

30.       Which group of Aboriginal peoples(原住民)makes up(組成)more than half of the population in the North West Territories and Nunavut(努納武特區)?   Inuit(即愛斯基摩人)

31.       Where is St. Lawrence Seaway ?   Central Canada

32.       Which legal document(法律文件) recognizes(承認)the cultural diversity(多樣化)of Canadians?  The Canadian Multiculturalism Act加拿大多元文化條約)

33.       Which city provides important shipping and air links between Canada and other countries across the Pacific Ocean ?   Vancouver

34.       What is a polling station(投票站)? Where I vote and is listed on my Elector information Card(投票站是我前往投票的地方,選民登記證上列有投票地点)

35.       Which three natural resources are important to your region economy today (West Coast)?   Forests, water and gold

36.       What are three major industries of B.C. today?   Forestry, hydro electric power and salmon fishing

37.       What did the Aboriginal peoples living in your region (West Coast)) depend on for survival?   Buffalo herding

38.       Which document first defined(明確) the responsibilities of federal and provincial government ? The British North America Act北美條約)

39.       What document made Confederation legal(聯盟合法?  The British North America Act

40.       Why is the British North America Act(BNA) important in Canadian history?   It made confederation legal同盟合法

41.       When did the British North America Act come into effect? July 1, 1867 

42.       In what year did Canada become a country?   1867

43.       When is Canada day celebrated?   July 01

44.       What does Canada Day celebrate?   The anniversary of Confederation in 1867

45.       What year was confederation?   1867

46.       What is the Canadian Constitution(憲法)? system of laws and conventions(公約)by which our country governs itself法律及公约制度,以此来治理加國)

47.       Why the North is sometimes called the “Land of the Midnight Sun”? In the height of summer daylight can last up to 24hours

48.       What is the tower in the center of the Parliament building(國會大廈) called?   Peace Tower

49.       Which five are Great Lakes ?  Lake Ontario , Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan and Lake Superior

50.       Which is the larges freshwater lake in the world?  Lake Superior

51.        Where are the Great Lakes ?   Southern Ontario along the border between Canada and the United States of America

52.       Which activities are important to the tourism industry in your regionWest Coast? Fishing, skiing, hiking and camping

53.       What does Confederation(聯盟)mean?   Joining of provinces to make a new country

54.       Which two mountain ranges(山脈)are in Canada?   Columbia and Rocky Mountain

55.       Where are the Canadian Rockies?   On the border between British Columbia and Alberta

56.       Which product from Southern Ontario is one of Canada key exports?   Auto industry products

57.       What has always been important to the economy in your regionWest Coast?   Natural resources

58.       Why did early explorers(探險家)first come to Atlantic Canada?   To fish and trade with First Nations people

59.       When did thousands of miners first come to the Yukon ?   End of the 1800s

60.       When did settlers(拓荒者)from Europe first come to your region(West Coast)?   During the early 1800s

61.       What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America ?   Waterways

62.       Name three requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election?  Canadian citizen, 18 years or older and on the list of electors

63.       Which group of people was important in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway?   Chinese

64.       When was the Canadian Pacific Railway finished?   1885 (or late 1800)

65.       For what is the Okanagan Valley famous?   Fruit orchards(果園)

66.       What do the initials MP stand for in Canadian politics?   Member of Parliament(國會議員)

67.       What does a Member of Parliament do?   She\he is a Canadians link to the federal government-Representing our ideas when new laws are being proposed.(提案)-Asking questions about the government on our behalf()-Helping us if we need information from the government or if we have any problem with the government.

68.       When did the United Empire Loyalists忠臣 come to Canada? In the late 1700s

    ****First European came (during the early 1800s), Miners came to Yukon (end 1800s)

69.      Who were the United Empire Loyalists 联合帝国忠臣?  They were British settlers who moved to the Atlantic region from the United States . These people were known as United Empire Loyalists because of their loyalty to England .

70.       Who were the United Empire Loyalists?   British settlers from the United States (late of 1700s)

71.       Where do more than half of the people in Canada live?  Central Canada

72.       Which two provinces are on the Atlantic Coast of Canada?    Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

73.       Which country lies on Canada southern border?   United State of America

74.      When does an election have to be held according to the Constitution(憲法)? At least once every 5 years. The Prime Minister may ask the Governor General to call an earlier election. But if a majority of the MPs vote against a major government decision, the party in power is defeated(被廢除), The Prime Minister resigns辭職 and a new election is usually held.

75.       Federal elections have to be held within 5 years of the last election

76.       What level of government passes “by-laws附例”?   Municipal (local)

77.       Who were the first settlers in the area where you live?   First Nations and British (BC)

78.       What are the three main types of industry in Canada ?   Natural resources, manufacturing and service

79.       What is the final step before a bill becomes a law?   Approval by the Governor General

80.       Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election(加拿大人投給誰)?   A candidate候選人 they want to represent them in Parliament or A member of Parliament in their own electoral district.

81.       What does it mean for a political party to “be in power”?   to have the most elected representatives

82.       What did the government do to make immigration to western Canada much easier? Completed the railway

83.       What does “mobility rights’遷移權利 mean?   Being able to live and work everywhere in Canada

84.       Which three legal(合法) right are protected by the Canadian Charter憲章 of Rights and Freedoms?  Right to life, liberty, a fair trial or legal rights, Equality平等 under the law, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of thought, Freedom of belief, Freedom of opinion, freedom of expression

85.       What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?   The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom

86.       When did the Charter of rights and freedoms become part of the Canadian constitution?  1982

87.       Name one right of Canadian citizenship?   To run as a candidate in a federal election

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