





**********2010年的10月,聯邦政府已經在新 版入籍考試指南中,新增國殤日的歷史意義,其改版的內容加強了政治體制及軍事歷史的篇幅(從用了15年的舊版47頁....名為 "加拿大一瞥 A Look at Canada"  改為66頁的新版....名為Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship)。                                                        *****************************


                  (以下題庫 在2009/05 完成)

91.       Which province has the most bilingual Canadians?   Quebec

92.       What do you call a law before it is passed?   A bill(法案)

93.       Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada ? The first people to live in Canada

94.       Who were the first people to live in Canada ?  The aboriginal peoples

95.       In which parts of Canada did the Aboriginal peoples first live?   All regions

96.       Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working to be self-government自治?  They are working to keep their unique cultures and languages alive. They want to regain control over decisions that affect their lives.  

97.       What does the Canadian flag look like?   White with a red border on each end and a red maple leaf in the center

98.       What are the provinces of the Atlantic region?    Newfoundland , Nova Scotia , New Brunswick and P.E.I.

99.       How is the government formed after an election?   The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power

100.    What is a ballot(候選人名單)?   A form listing the candidates you can vote

101.    What is written on an election ballot?   The names of the candidates in your electoral district in alphabetical order from “A” to “Z”

102.    What do you write on a federal election ballot?   An “X” beside the name of one candidate

103.    What is printed on a federal election ballot?   The name of the candidates and their parties

104.    How do you vote in a Canadian election?   By secret ballot

105.    More than half of Canada aeronautics航空學 and space industry are located in which province?  Quebec

106.    Which provinces is the only officially官方 bilingual province?    New Brunswick

107.    Which region covers more than one third of Canada ?   Northern Canada

108.    Why is the St. Lawrence Seaway important to Canada ?   Shipping route to the Great Lakes

109.    How are Members of Parliament chosen?   Elected by Canadian citizens

110.    What is the role of the Opposition Parties?   To oppose反對 and try to improve government proposals

111.    From who are the Métis descended後裔?  French or English traders and First Nation women

112.    Which legal documents protect the rights of Canadians with regard to official languages? Canadian Constitution and Official Languages Act加拿大法及官方语言

113.    What are the provinces of Central Canada ?    Ontario and Quebec

114.    What are the three minerals still being mined in the territories today?   gold, lead and zinc

115.    Which three minerals are found in B.C.?   coal, copper and zinc

116.    What do political parties do?  Share ideas about how government should work

117.    What is a political candidate?   A person who runs for the office

118.    What will you promise when you take the oath宣誓 of citizenship?   Pledge誓言 allegiance擁戴 to the Queen, observe遵守 the laws of Canada and fulfill the duties of a Canadian

119.    To what ocean is Newfoundland closest? Atlantic

120.    How can you contact your Member of Parliament?   Either by call the office in your electoral district or write to the House of Commons下議院, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1A 0A 6

121.    What does equality under the law mean?  Being treated with equal dignity(尊嚴) and respect, and having equal rights to speak out and express ideas.

122.    Where do most French speaking Canadians live?    Quebec

123.    Which two provinces are closest to P.E.I.?   New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

124.    Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile肥沃 agricultural and valuable energy resources? Prairie大草原 Provinces (including Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba)

125.    Which are the Prairie Provinces ?   Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba

126.    What does “party platform”黨綱 mean?   Plans made by political parties if their candidates were elected to form the government. The plans they make are called the party platform.

127.    What important trade did the Hudson Bay Company control?   Fur

128.    What did the federal government do to encourage people to settle in the Prairie Provinces during the early 1900s?   Offered land at cheap prices

129.    For how long did the Judson Bay Company control the northern lands?   300 years

130.    Which trade spread across Canada making it important to the economy for over 300years?  Fur trade

131.    What country is Canada largest trading partner?   United States of America

132.    Which two fuels provide about one half of all the energy used in Canada ?    Oil and natural gas

133.    What three industries helped early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region?   Farming, fishing and shipbuilding

134.    Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada ?  Central Canada ( Ontario and Quebec )

135.    What is a Cabinet Minister?   Member of Parliament chosen by the Prime Minister and is responsible for running federal departments

136.    Which 2 provinces produce more than three-quarters of Canadian manufactured goods?   Ontario and Quebec

137.    Which four provinces joined together in confederations?  Ontario, Nova Scotia , Quebec and New Brunswick

138.    What emblem(標誌) is on the Canadian flag?   A maple leaf

139.    What are the territories of northern Canada ?   Yukon, North West Territories and Nunavut

140.    On what date did Nunavut become a territory?   April 01, 1999

141.    What type of jobs are most Canadians employed in?   Service jobs such as working in hospitals, offices and schools

142.    Which province has the largest population?  Ontario

143.    What do members of political parties do?   develop the policies of the party

144.    Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal election?   Canadian citizens

145.    What does the Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card tell you? When and where to vote

146.    What should you do if you do not receive a Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card?  Contact Elections Canada

147.    Which group of mountains divides Alberta and British Columbia ?   The Rockies

148.    Where are the Canadian Rockies? On the border between British Columbia and Alberta .

149.    Who has the right to vote in federal election?   Canadian citizens

150.    What is the capital of Canada ?   Ottawa

151.    What song is Canada’s national anthem國歌?   O Canada

152.  Give the first two lines of Canada ’s national anthem?  O Canada ! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command.

153.    Circle the letter which best identifies citizenship rights?   Right to vote in federal and provincial elections and to apply for a Canadian passport

154.    What did early English settlers do on the Hudson Bay shores?   Set up fishing and trading posts郵政

155.    Name one responsibility of Canadian citizenship?   To respect the rights of others to obey Canada ’s law

156.    Who do Members of Parliament represent?  Everyone who lives in his or her electoral district.(= ridings選區)

157.    What is the government for all of Canada called?   Federal government

158.    What is the role of the Official Opposition? To debate(討論) and improve the laws proposed by the government

159.    How are Members of Parliament chosen?   They are elected by voters

160.    Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?   Member of Parliament

161.    What are the three parts of Parliament? The Senate, The Queen (represented by the Governor General) and the House of Commons

162.    What is the capital of British Columbia ?   Victoria

163.    What is the capital of Alberta ?    Edmonton

164.    Which province was the last to join confederation?   Newfoundland (on 1949)

165.    When did Newfoundland join Confederation?   1949

166.    When did your province (BC) join Confederation?  1871

167.    What is Canada ’s system of government called? A parliament democracy

168.    Which three oceans surround Canada ?   Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans

169.    In which type of industry did most first European settlers work?   Fur trade and fishing

170.    Where were the first European settlers in Canada from?   France

171.    Which animal is an official symbol of Canada ?   The beaver

172.    What are Canada ’s official languages?  English and French

173.    How does a bill become a law?   The bill is debated討論 and voted on in the House of Commons and the Senate passed by a majority in both and then proclaimed公佈

174.    Which of the following is a major river in Quebec ?   St. Lawrence River

175.    After a federal election, which party forms the new government?    The party with the most elected Members of Parliament

176.    How are Senators chosen?   They are appointed by the Prime Minister and the Governor General

177.    Name one responsibility of Canadian citizenship?   To obey Canada ’s law

178.    Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?    Prince Edward Island

179.    Identify the services for which municipal government are responsible?   Community libraries and fir protection

180.    What territory is the biggest in land size?    Nunavut

181.    Which list best identifies citizenship rights?   Right to vote in federal and provincial elections, right to enter or leave Canada at will and minority languages rights

182.    What is the population of Canada ?   About 31 million people

183.    How large is Canada in size?   10 million square kilometers

184.    Who are the Acadian(阿加底亞人) people?   The French

185.    Which province has the largest population?    Ontario

186.    You can vote in a federal election if you are at least 18 years old

187.    Which province is Canada ’s leading wheat producer?   Saskatchewan

188.    Which province is Canada ’s major producer of oil and gas?   Alberta

189.    Which province has the most valuable forest industry in Canada ?    British Columbia

190.    Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport?  Canadian citizen

191.    Where is the federal government and the Parliament Buildings located?  Ottawa

192.    Federal government is responsible for national defense防禦, foreign policy and citizenship

193.    Provincial government is responsible for education, health care and highways

194.    Municipal government is responsible for policing, fire protection, snow removal and recycling programs, libraries, building regulation規章

195.    How many provinces and territories are there in Canada ?   10 provinces and 3 territories

196.    What lies on Canada ’s northern region?    Three territories

197.    Who is the Head of State?   Queen Elizabeth II

198.    What is the maximum number of senates?  112

199.    How many electoral districts are there in Canada ?   308


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