



步驟1:   奶粉50克,溫水 340ml,蛋 2個,奶油100克,高筋麵粉最好(或一般麵粉) 5杯(@240ml或150公克),白糖 100克,細鹽 1/4t,乾細酵母粉 2-1/2t,全部放入電動攪拌機鍋(用以下右邊的攪麵糰器攪拌)或土司製麵機內,攪拌約30分後,再將鋼鍋(內有攪好的麵糰)蓋上蓋子,拿入烤箱內醒1小時以上2小時內(放入前10分鐘,先將烤箱轉最低溫度2分鐘再關掉電源,讓烤箱內溫度高於外面,因加拿大溫度不高,如果台灣的春夏秋天,就不用此作法),等麵糰體積漲至原來的兩倍左右>>>>>>>>

Step 1: milk flour 50g,  warm water 340 ml, egg 2pcs, butter 100g, all pupose flour 5cups, white sugar 100g, fine salt 1/4t, dry yeast 2-1/2t, place all  ingredients in mixer bowl(or bread maker) ,then using the bellow right dough hook to mix and turn to speed 2 about 2 minutes until dough clings to hook and cleans sides of bowl, continuing on speed2, knead about 2 minutes longer, or until dough is smooth and elastic. Dough will be slightly sticky to the touch. Then place bowl with dough in warm place(as inside oven) with top cover, let dough rise over 1 hourunder 2 hours, or until doubled in bulk >>>>>>


步驟2: 將麵團拿出來切成每塊25公克的小麵糰(旁邊放一些麵粉備用,預防有時小麵團會黏手) >>>

Step 2: Divide the dough into small dough(every small dough is about 25g), putting some four beside dough, because   dough will stick hand sometimes)>>>>


步驟3: 此時,可以依個人口味,包入巧克力、奶酥、紅豆泥、......或不包任何內餡也可。不管包不包內餡,都要將小麵糰搓圓再壓成直徑約5-6公分的扁圓形再沿著邊捏緊四週邊鎖住口,而鎖口處朝下,如此外型才會圓圓的,而烘烤時如果是巧克力才不會流出汁。將捏好的小麵團放在鋪有一層薄薄麵粉或保鮮膜的大烤盤上,仍放入烤箱內再醒約60分>>>

 Step 3: depend on everyone favor, we can stuff chocolate, red bean mash... or just bun. No matter stuffing or not,  all have to knead   the small dough into round shape ,then press it into oblate shape, stuffing , pinch the oblate side into round shape tightly. Putting all buns on the big sheet which had spread lightly flour or covered plastic wrap, then put into the oven (warmer temperature),rise again about 60 minutes.>>>>



步驟4: 醒最後10分鐘,準備蛋黃2個(或蛋一個)放入碗中,用筷子攪和均勻,用小毛刷沾蛋液在每塊小麵包上(如用蛋黃刷一次即可,如用全蛋則須分兩次刷,間隔10分鐘以上),如一次有多種口味,可在小麵包上放一點點白芝麻或黑芝麻來區分內餡是什麼,然後烤前十分鐘,打開烤箱電源到170度C預熱, 再放入小麵包(依每個烤箱烤盤的大小放入不等的數量)烘烤15分(期間約7分後要將烤盤轉向再入烤,如此全盤的麵包上色才會均勻)>>>>>

Step 4:  the rising last ten minutes, place  egg yolk 2pcs or all egg 1pc in small bowl,  beat it with chopsticks, then use small brush with egg juice to brush the top of bun(if with yolk, brush once  is enough, but with all egg, have to brush twice ----brush again  after 10 minutes the first time ).   Before toast the buns 10 minutes, turn on the oven on 170 。C to preheat. Then put the bun sheet (the quantity of bun is depended on size of sheet) into the oven toasting 15minutes(beetween the time, have to turn the sheet side, this way will nice color on bun)



***奶酥作法: 奶粉 60公克, 麵粉 40公 克, 白糖 50公克, 香草粉 2公克, 奶油 65公克, 蛋黃 2個(蛋白可以與上述作小麵包剩下的蛋白合起來做天使蛋糕),椰絲 50公克,全部放入鋼鍋內,用塑膠手套攪拌均勻後再分成小等分,做內餡用,或不分等分直接放入冰箱做配土司料之用,如此可以放上一個月左右。

one kind of stuff: milk powder  60g, all purpose flour 40g, white sugar 50g, vanilla powder 2g, butter 65g, egg yolk 2pcs, shredded coconut  50g , place all  ingredients in mixer bowl ,then mix them evenly.


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    溫哥華的世界(Vancouver's World)

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