
雖然我的三位小孩已經跳脫加拿大的中學教育體系,但是我除了為這群勇士學生喝采之外,也想盡自己的力量去號召我周遭的朋友們,加入徵簽的行列,希望大家的拋磚引玉,讓這個請願可以讓教育廳考慮做出改變,畢竟 "我們現在正在努力所做的、所強調的問題是平等,承認學生們為學習一門語言所付出的努力,學法語可以計入高中畢業課程學分,為什麼英文不行呢????

*************以下文章採自溫哥華本地的免費報紙大紀元時報(The Epoch Times) 2013/10/04*****

卑詩一些移民和難民中學生最近在網路上徵簽,呼籲省教育廳不要再繼續忽視他們學習英語第二語言 (English as a Second Language,簡稱ESL) 的努力,改變目前的學分政策,把他們學習英語的成績相應計入高中畢業課程學分。

一些移民和難民學生組成了新生青少年顧問團 (Fresh Voices Youth Advisory Team),他們發起了這個網上徵簽。成員甘南 (Dina Ganan)表示 "卑詩高中生在學校學習一種新語言,可以獲得學分,然而移民的學生學習英語,卻不能獲得學分。我們的辛苦付出至少應該得到認可,像其他人一樣

溫哥華基金會(Vancouver Foundation) 與卑詩兒童青少年代表(B.C.'s Representative for Children and Youth) 最新合作完成的一份報告認為,移民和難民學生在ESL上的努力和付出,一直被忽視了,沒有得到與其他語言課程相同的對待。

據悉,26.5%的卑詩人在家使用非英語交流,在全國高居首位,在家使用的語言順序為;英語、印度與、國語、傲與、韓語等。 在許多移民和難民家庭,英語往往被當成第三甚至第四語言來使用,因此,不少人建議省教育廳把ESL改為ELL(即英語語言學習 English Language Learning)課程。



備註: 進入以上網站後,第一步: 填妥First Name(名字)、Last Name(姓)、e-mail(聯絡信箱)、Confirm e-mail (再一次確認信箱)、Postal Code (卑詩省的郵遞區號,各位可打V3N 1R6 或V3N 2C5 或 V3N 5B6 或 V5J 4X5 或V6X 1V5 或 V3W 2V7 或 V3N 3L2 或 V6B 1E7 或 V5E 1E7 或 V6X 4B6)、 Are you an ELL student(Yes/No)? 最後在 "Sign Now"(紅底白字)處 enter(進入)後,會出現 "Thank you XXX You will receive a cofirmation e-mail shortly. Please follow the link to add you name to the petition" 然後請到你的e-mail 收取他們的回函如下>>>>

Hello XXX ,

Thank you for signing the Make It Count petition!

Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below: (請在此點進去即可)

By taking action, you are supporting our message that the hard work of migrant students learning English is valuable, and should be counted toward high school graduation. Please share widely so that our voices will be heard loud and clear.

Share the Make It Count campaign on Facebook at

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We will be inviting people to sign the petition until November 30, 2013. We will present our petition and list of signatories to decision-makers at the end of our campaign.

Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below:


The Make It Count BC team

************************以下採自溫哥華本地免費報紙24hrs News or Metro News 的資料*************

If a high school student takes a French class they get credits toward graduating, so why can't young immigrants get the same deal if English is their second language?

A group of immigrant and refugee youth has launched a petition on Tuesday to make English Language Learning (also known as English as a Second Language) courses count toward their diplomas.

"At the very least, our hard work at school should be worth just as much as anyone else's," according to a statement from group member Dina Ganan Perez.

It's one of 16 recommendations developed by 200 young people sponsored by the Vancouver Foundation and B.C.'s representative for children and youth.

Other recommendations included anti-racism and cultural awareness training for teachers, consistency in ESL testing across the province, mentorship programs between young adult immigrants and newcomers, and the creation of pre-departure and post-arrival resources.

The recommendations are meant to help eliminate forms of discrimination, celebrate diversity, enhance people's sense of belonging and build cross cultural understanding, according to Vancouver Foundation CEO Kevin McCort.

The results from the online petition at will be presented by B.C.'s Ministry of Education later in 2013.

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    溫哥華的世界(Vancouver's World)

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