

******It's worth getting to know your neighbours******     from NewsLeader   2011/09/14

     What's your neighbour's name? Did I stump you? Then it's high time you and your anonymous neighbours have a big, old-fashioned block party!

     That's exactly what happened on Saturday, Sept. 10 in my neighbourhood.  For the second year in a row, residents on my block came together in our back lane to take in the food, fun and fresh air.

     Everyone pitched in and brought things from home. There were games for the little kids, from street hockey to skipping, and plenty of lawn chairs and laughs for all of us bigger kids. As per last year, we received help from the city to barricade both ends of the lane to prevent traffic disruptions. The adjacent Second Street Community School contributed tables for us to use. Local businesses stepped up, such as the New Westminster Save On Foods, donating a hug cake for all to enjoy. And the South Burnaby Neighbourhood House came through again with funding for an event that fits their mandate of neighbours helping neighbours.
(人人協力從家裡帶來東西一起享用小孩子遊戲從街頭曲棍球、跳繩,以及許多草坪用的椅子笑聲給我們所有的大孩子就如去年的第一次聚會,我們共收到來自城市幫助....路障車道兩端,以防止車輛的進入緊鄰的二街社區學校桌子讓我們使用本地企業增加,如新西敏市的超市Save On Food 捐贈了一個大蛋糕公大家享用而南本拿鄰里議院通過再次贈與經費,這正適合他們的鄰居幫助鄰居宗旨)

     A new Black Watch initiative was also launched at the party with the help of a visiting RCMP officer. And though the festivities eventually had to come to an end, the value of our get-togethers will hopefully go a long way in ensuring the safety of our children and the sanctity of our community.

     So don't delay, Burnaby: get to know your neighbour!  (所以本拿比市,不要延遲....去認識你的鄰居吧!)


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    溫哥華的世界(Vancouver's World)

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