炒一盤米粉是宴客時必備的,也是家人吃膩飯配菜的傳統飲食外的牙祭,更是小孩上學帶午餐的好點子,因為裡面有肉、木耳、蔬菜、香菇,營養足夠了。一次工作的老人院舉辦亞洲文化節,我提供了炒米粉與澎湖黑糖糕,結果許多洋人同事喜歡上我的台式米粉,紛紛要求我提供食譜, 所以以下步驟我不得不中英文並列,供他們上網查詢。
步驟1. 米粉454公克用冷水泡30分鐘變軟瀝乾(切勿用溫水或熱水),再用剪刀剪約5公分長度,待用(Keep dried rice noodle 454g in cool water for 30 minutes, then scissor the soft rice noodle every 5cms in length. put aside to cook later.) >>>>
步驟2. 肉(豬、牛、雞皆可)300公克切絲(用1T醬油膏醃上30分鐘)、香菇(大)15朵與木耳10片用溫水泡軟後切絲、紅蘿蔔(大)一條切絲、高麗菜(大)10片洗淨切絲,待用(此部份可以依自己的喜好加減). ( Preserved shredded any kind of meat 300g with Oyster Soybean Sauce 1T for 30 minutes, keep the dried mushrooms 15pcs and dried black funguses 10pcs in warm water for 15 minutes then shredded, shredded the biggest carrot 1pc, Shredded Chinese cabbage or Nappa Siu Choy 10slices, put aside to cook later.) p.s.: can choose any kind of vegetable.>>>>
步驟3. 用4T蔬菜油炒散肉絲(中火),再加香菇絲炒香,接著放入木耳絲、紅蘿蔔絲略炒均勻後,最後放入高麗菜絲略炒後,加入調味料(鹽1T、醬油膏2T、柴魚粉1T、胡椒粉1T與香油1T)炒至菜變軟. (Use middle fire of stove to stir-fry the shredded meat with any kind of veggie oil 4T until the shredded meat separated, then add the shredded mushroom to keep stir-fry for 1-2minutes, next add shredded black fungus and carrots to keep stir-fry well mixed, at the end add shredded Chinese cabbage and seasoning-- including salt 2T, oyster soybean sauce 2T, , pepper powder 1T , sesame oil 1T and meat juice or water 1-2cups --depend on the juice of veggie is enough or not, to keep stir-fry well mixed.)>>>
步驟4. 再放入泡軟的米粉,炒至均勻後,如果水份不夠(因蔬菜量不多,或有些不容易出水),此時可以放1杯到2杯的高湯入炒,再轉小火,蓋上鍋蓋悶約5-10分,讓各種菜香入米粉(此程序很重要,關係到米粉香不香). (Add cut rice noodle to stir-fry well mixed, turn down the fire to small and cover the lip of stir-frying pan to stew for 5-10minutes and stir once during the stewing. P.S. Stewing is very important for this step. It will be concern with the rice noodle whether yummy or not. )>>>