
********2012/03/20 最新入籍訊息,對於近幾年即將要參與考試的鄉友,是一個很重要的警訊*****

                                  加入籍數限提高     申請被拒率倍增     ****載自溫哥華的免費報紙...大紀元時報 


       據 "多倫多星報" 報導,聯邦政府數據顯示,五年裡因考試不過分數線,被拒入籍的申請人數量從2006年的1.4%(3,872)上升至2010年的3.5%(5,351)。而聯邦政府的2010年3月最新推出的公民考試分數線,扮演了重要角色。新的公民考試分數為75分而非原先的60分。

       加拿大公民和移民部發言人卡龍(Nancy Caron) 表示,過去五年入籍被拒人數高漲的原因不僅僅是分數線提高的問題,還在於申請入籍的人數大量增加。此外他說"申請人被要求更好地表現,他們已經學習、了解了公民的權利和責任。"


        公民申請被拒率飆升  加拿大公民和移民部的規定是,在四年內加拿大永久居民在加拿大住滿1095天,就可以參加入籍考試。申請入籍,須提交的證件有: 移民文件付印件,諸如登錄記錄(IMM1000)或永久居留確認紙 (IMM的5292或5688IMM)和楓葉卡 (雙面複印)。帶照片的個人身分證件2份(雙面複印)、符合要求的照片2張等。


       從2007年開始,申請入籍加拿大,被拒的人數已經增加。當時首席公民法官希瑪德(Michel Simard) 頒布了一份加強  "親身在場測試 (Physical presence test)" 執法力讀法令。加強執法的結果是2007年申請入籍的22萬7520人中,有5591人被拒,被拒率飆升至2.7%,被推薦給公民法官的人數也增加了25%,至1萬6727人。


        Helen表示,筆試過後,當天考試的20多人直接見了公民法官。她大概聽懂了法官的問題,但不能自如地回答。糟糕的是,法官問她要健保卡,並要她提供出入境紀錄。Helen 稱,她只隨身攜帶了中國護照、楓葉卡和社會保險卡(SIN Card)。結果可想而知,一家人只有她一個人被拒。Helen說,她不會怨天尤人,特別是,這次很特殊的經歷,督促她下決心加強自己的英語口語表達能力。

備註: 申請公民考試有4次機會(即第一次與第二次用筆試加口問簡單問題,如果因故錯過,直到第三次與第四次最後才參加,不只沒筆試的機會,而且口問的20題問題移民官會特別刁難地問一些艱深的歷史問題,連此地大學畢業的年輕人都招架不住呢! )。所以有心拿公民的朋友,第一次通知考試,就乖乖地準時去硬是比較心安!



**********2010年的10月,聯邦政府已經在新 版入籍考試指南中,新增國殤日的歷史意義,其改版的內容加強了政治體制及軍事歷史的篇幅(從用了15年的舊版47頁....名為 "加拿大一瞥 A Look at Canada"  改為66頁的新版....名為Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship)。                                                        *****************************

               (以下題庫完成於  2009/05    )

223.    What are the three main types of industry in Canada ? Natural resources, manufacturing and services.

224.    What three industries helped early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region? Farming, fishing and shipbuilding

225.    In what industry do most Canadians work? Service

226.    Which three natural resources are important to British Columbia ’s economy today? Forests, fish and water

227.    Who is the leader of the federal official Opposition party(在野黨)? Michael  Iqnatieff ( Liberal Party)

228.    Which political party is in power in your province?   Liberal Party (2009)

229.    Which political party is the opposition party in your province? New Democratic Party (2009)

230.    Who is the Lieutenant Governor(副總督) of B.C.?   Steven Point (from 2007-2009/04)

231.    Who is the mayor of the city you live?  Derek Corrigan( Burnaby )

232.    What is the name of the premier(總理) of B.C.?   Gordon Campbell(Liberal Party in 2009/04)  ***他已經於2010/11下台了

233.    What party is the official opposition at the federal level? Liberal Party (2009)

234.    What is the name of the leader of the federal ruling political party(執政黨)?Stephen Harper(Conservative)

235.    Who is the present Prime Minister(首相) of Canada? Stephen Harper(06-09 the leader of Conservative Party)

236.    What is the name of the leader of the Opposition in British Columbia ? Carole James.(NDP)

237.  What is the name of the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons (2009)? Michael Iqnatieff (Liberal)

238.    Which federal political party is in power?   Conservative Party (2009)


P.S. 1. Here listed the names of the Parties and the leaders of each party in Federal. (2009/04)

     Liberal 自由 -------Michael  Iqnatieff (In BC is Gordon Campbell)
Bloc Quebecois
魁北克 -----Duceppe
保守>>>>>Stephen Harper(06-09)
New Democratic
(NDP) 新民主---------Jack Layton(in BC is Carole James)

     Green-----------May (in BC is Jane Sterk)


1-87 題請參閱>>>>

91-199 題請參閱>>>>




                                               O Canada

                       O Canada! Our home and native land!

                       True patriot love in all thy(古文=your) sons command

                       With glowing hearts we see thee(古文=you) rise

                       The tru North strong and free!

                       From far and wide, O Canada

                       We stand on guard for thee

                       God keep our land glorious and free!

                       O Canada, we stand on guard for thee

                       O Canada, we stand on guard for thee



About Aboriginal Peoples

1. Who are the Aborigianl peoples o Canada?

2. What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?

3. From whom are the Metis descended?

4. Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up maore than half the population of the northwest Territories and Nunavut?

5. Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working toward self-government? 

About History

1. where did the first European settlers in Canada come from?

2. Why did the early explorers first come to Atlantic Canada?

3. What three industries helped the early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region?

4. Who were the United Empire Loyalists?

5. When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence River?

6. Which trade spread across Canada, making it important to the economy for over 300 years?

7. What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America?

8. What important trade did the Hudson's Bay Company control?

9. What did the government do to make immigration to western Canada much easieer?

About Confederation/Government

1. What does Confederation mean?

2. What is the Canadian Constitutioh?

3. What year was Confederation?

4. When did the British North America Act come into effect?

5. Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history?

6. Which four provinces first formed Confederation?

7. Which was the last province to join Canada?

8. When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate?

9. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

10. Why is the Constitution Act, 1982 important in Canadian history?

About Rights and Responsibilities

1. What part of the Constitution legally protecsts the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadian?

2. When did the Canadian Charter of Rigjhts and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?

3. Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

4. Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

5. List three ways in which you can protect the environment?

6. Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport?

7. What does equality under the las mean?

8. Name six responsibilities of citizenship?

9. Give an examples of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community?

10. List four rights Canadian citizens have?

11. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?

About Languages

1. What are the two official languages of Canada?

2. Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada?

3. Where do most French-speaking Canadians live?

4. Which province has the most bilingual Canadians?

5. Which province is the only officially bilingual province?

About Symbols

1. what does the Canadian flag look like?

2. What song is Canada's national anthem?

3. Give the first two lines of Canada's national anthem?

4. Where does the name "Canada" come from?

5. Which animal is an official symbol of Canada?

6. What is the tower in the centre of the Parliament buildings called?

Aabout Geography

1. What is the population of Canada?

2. What three oceans border on Canada?

3. What is the capital city of Canada?

4. name all the provinces and territories and their capital cities?

5. Name the five regions of Canada?

6. Which region covers more than one-third of Canada?

7. In which region do more than half the people in Canada live?

8. One-third of all Canadians live in which province?

9. Where are the Canadian Rockies?

10. Where are the Great Lakes?

11. Which mountain range is on the border between Alberta and British Columbia?

12. Whree are the Parliament buildings located?

13. Which country borders Canada on the south?

14. What are the Prairie provinces?

15. Which province in CAnada is the smallest in land size/

16. What is a major river in Quebec?

17. On what date did Nunavut become a territory?

About Economy

1. What are the three main types of industries in Canada?

2. In what industry do most Canadians work?

3. What country is Canada's largest trading partner?

4. Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada?

5. Which region of Canada is knows for both its fertile agricultural land and vqaluable energy resources?

About Federal Government

1. Who is Canada's Head of State?

2. Who is the Queen's representative in Canada?

3. What is the name of the Governor General?

4. What do you call the Queen's representative in the provinces?

5. What is Canada's system of government called?

6. What are the three parts of Parliament?

7. EXplain how the levels of government are different?

8. What do you call a law before it is passed?

9. How are memebers of Parliament chosen?

10. Who do members of Parliament represent?

11. How does a bill become law?

12. What are the three levels of governemnt in Canada?

13. Name two reponsibilities for each level of government?

14. What is the government of all of Canada called?

About Federal Elections

1. how many electoral districts are there in Canada?

2. In what electoral district do yo live?

3. Who has the right to vote in federal elections?

4. What three requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election?

5. What is written on a federal election ballot?

6. What do you mark on a federal election ballot?

7. How is the governemnt formed after an election?

8. How is the Prime Minister chosen?

9. When does an election have to be held according ot the Constitution?

10. Name all the federal political parties in the House of Commons and their leaders?

11. Which paarty becomes the official opposition?

12. What is the role of the opposition parties?

13. Which party is the official opposition at the federal level?

14. name the Prime Minister of Canada and his party?

15. Name your member of Parliament and the party he or she belons to?

16. Wat is a voter information card?

17. who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?

18. Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?

19.What do political parties do?

20. Which federal political party is in power?

21. How are senators chosen?

22. What should you do if you do not receive a voter information card telling you when and where to vote?

23. After a federal election, which party forms the new government?

About your region

1. What is the capital city of the province or territory in which you live?

2. List three natural resources important ot your region's economy today?

3. Who is your city councillor, alderperson, reeve or regional councillor?

4. What is the name of your mayor?

5. What is the name of your provincial representative (member of the Legislative Assembly, member of the provincial parliament, member of the National Assemby or member of the House of Assembly)?

6. What is the name of the premier of your province or territory?

7. Which political party is in power in your province or territory?

8. What is the name of the leader of the oposition in your province?

9. What is the name of your lieutenant governor or commissioner?




















******2009/10 報紙上已經報導,為了讓公民宣誓社區化(先前只有在溫哥華的市中心一處),現在每星期為一次,會在國的各城市之市政府所在地舉行宣誓。(While citizenship ceremonies take place on a weekly basis in city halls all over the country, the Vancouver Citizenship Committee and the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, which organized the event, have taken the ceremony into the community, at places such as the Ismaili Centre of  Burnaby)

*****再測驗一次公民考試題(從報紙上下載)>>>>>1. Who are the three main groups of aboriginal peoples?    2. When was the Canadian Charter of Rights entrenched into the Canadian Constitution?    3. What wre the first four provinces to enter Canada?    4. What is the title of Canada's head of state?    5. Who is Canada's current head of state?    6. On what date did Nunavut become a territory?    7. What did the government do to make immigration to Western Canada much easier?    8. From where does the name "Canada" come?    9. Who are the aboriginal peoples of Canada?    10. Who is the Lieutenant-Governor of B.C.?  答案在上一篇文章(二)之底位>>>>>>>>>>>>

***********以下載自 溫哥華的大紀元中文報紙              May 03/2010   ************



       該網頁第一個模況名為 "快樂學習路徑",取材於公民入籍手冊>>>發現加拿大:公民權利和責任的內容,通過網上遊戲和各種活動,使得學習者瞭解加拿大歷史和政治體制。以後的模塊還將提供其他教育項目,比如君主和移民等。

       聯邦公、移民及多元文化部部長肯尼(Jason Kenney) 表示,鼓勵學生和教師探討這一新的學習資源。他說 "當我推出>>>發現加拿大:公民權利和責任時,我說過這並不僅僅只是給新移民的學習資料,事實上是給所有加拿大人的。這個網路工具能夠幫助人們對加拿大的歷史、價值觀、標誌和政治機構有更扎實的瞭解以及對各族裔和文化社區如何幫助塑造加拿大這個國家的

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