A magical community lantern(一個神秘又迷人的社區燈節)
procession around Deer Lake Park(在鹿湖的附近進行)
Friday, September 19, 2008
NIGHT OF 2008 LIGHTS用1000個紙袋(底裝沙)做成的燈籠排成迷宮(Labyrinth),走進中心點,有椅子供小憩片刻,再回程找出出口>>>>>
會場隨時有踩高翹的特殊人物(Stilt-walkers),他們的佈置、表現與服裝秀,很難想像是由一群義工群合力完成,所以再宣傳單內有一段>>>A big thank you to our many volunteers whose hard work and enthusiasm add to the magic of this event.(最大的感激我們許多義工们的辛勤與熱誠參予此次的神祕活動)>>>>
打鼓樂(Djembe Drum Circle),此種屬西非,似蘑菇的鼓,專業的鼓手,將帶領參予者打鼓,每個人都可以參予打一下鼓的樂趣>>>>
皮影戲(Shadow Play),真是一個辛苦的表演>>>>
最後15分鐘的壓軸戲是玩火秀(Fire Spinning Show),繩子的兩端點上火球,或呼拉圈四周點上火球,這種表演真是刺激,但也替表演者捏一把冷汗,觀看者覺得很危險,但表演者卻是操控火球自如>>>>>
**如果錯過2008年的燈節,可以留意明年的此時,瀏覽以下的官方網站> www. shadboltcentre.com 或地方免費報紙>> Burnaby Now,在9月17日的當日報紙有刊載訊息>>>
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The shores of Deer Lake are about to be the scene of a pulsating procession(令人心動的行列)of drum beats and light.
The City of Burnaby and the Public Dreams Society are presenting the Night of 2008 Lights on Sept. 19. The annual lantern festival typically draws 1,500 to 2,000 people.
"It's really magical," said Julie-Anne Slade, the city's special events officer. "the whole site becomes a glimmering palette(微光的獨特色彩) of candlelight and different colours."
The field behind the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts will be full of roving musicians(遊動的樂師), stilt-walkers(踩高蹺者) and fire-spinners(玩火秀). New elements include iridescent kites (虹彩的風箏) that will criss-cross the night sky and a labyrinth (迷宮) made of 1,000 sandfilled paper bags holding candles.
The event runs from 7 to 9:30 pm in Deer Lake Park, and admission if free.
Bebore the festival, there is a free lantern-making workshop for kids 16 and under, while supplies last, from 3:30 to 6:30 pm. At 7:15 pm, there will be a djembe drum circle where the audience gets to participate. Djembe is a West African, mushroom-shaped drum. Professional drummers will lead the circle, and everyone is invited to join in. There are also djembe drum performances from 7 to 7:30 pm and from 8 to 8:30 pm.
The lantern procession starts at 8:30 pm and the night wraps us with a fire spinning show at 9:15 pm. Some lanterns will be on sale for $5, and proceeds go to local civic youth centres.
Slade recommends people bring flashlights, barbecue lighters and extra tea lights. Parents should also arrange to meet their kids at the info tent in case anyone gets separated or lost. On Sept. 17, there is a free drumming workshop from 7 to 9 pm. For more information, visit www.shadboltcentre.com