
黑糖糕應屬澎湖的最有名了。記得7-8年前,大女兒讀台中的五權國中時,有一次班上的一位家長用空運訂購澎湖的黑糖糕分送班上每一位家長一盒黑糖糕,也許是感動、也許是新鮮、anyway, 那是我吃過最好吃的黑糖糕。
(Black sugar cake should be the most famous of Penghu(where is one island near Taiwan). I remembered  7-8 years ago, my  eldest daughter studied at junior high school in Taichung, one day  one parent gave every parent a box of black sugar cake  that were ordered from  Penghu via air freight by him . May be touching , perhaps is fresh one , anyway, that I've eaten the best one in my life.)

(這是用糯米粉 與中筋麵粉做成)



(這是用中筋麵粉 與在來米粉做成)


步驟1.  黑糖 2/3杯、冷水 260-280ml,入另一小鍋煮至溶解待冷(此法較費時,但黑糖溶得均勻)。(另一種方法式取熱水瓶的熱水260-280ml入黑糖鍋,用圓形湯匙壓黑糖至溶解,再攪勻)。>>>>>

( Step 1.  Black sugar 2/3 cup, cold water 260-280ml  are put into another pot and boiled until dissolved and left  to cool....this method will be  taken more time, but the black sugar will be dissolved more evenly), then put into the pot of  Step 1  and mix well . Or another method is  putting  the boiled water 260-280ml to  black sugar in the pot with  the round tablespoons to pressure the black sugar until be dissolved  well, then left to cool )>>>>>

步驟2.  All purpose麵粉 1又1/4杯(240ml為一杯)、在來米粉(R ice flour)  1/4杯、泡打粉(Baking powder)  1T,全部放入步驟1. 的鍋內拌勻如下的鋼鍋,用如下的平板器或攪拌器拌勻。(另外可用糯米粉 1/4杯代替在來米粉  1/4杯,做出的黑糖糕更Q、更軟,連我ELSA的同學都喜歡吃)

(Step 2.  All purpose flour 1+ 1/4 cups (240ml @cup)、 Rice fluor  1/4 cupBaking powder 1T, put all above stuffs into  step. 1 steel pot, then mix well with whisk . Also  is available with  glutinous rice flour 1/4 cup instead of  rice flour, then the black sugar cake will be more chewy, my friends more like  this taste)。>>>>

 步驟3.  (此時先準備蒸鍋, 入水,用大火燒開),再準備自家現有的烤盤(任何形狀皆可,只要烤盤不要太淺即可),抹上(或噴上)一層薄蔬菜油(Vegetable oil),再將步驟2. 的麵糊(Pastry)倒入烤盤內,上面灑上一些白芝麻與椰絲,就可以入蒸鍋內(以中大火)蒸20分鐘。>>>>>>

(Step 3. At this time,  prepare steamer and pour into  water about 2000cc and boiled , then prepare the baking pans that can be any shape, as long as the baking pan do not be so shallow, then  spray thin vegetable oil on the pan and pour the step 2. Pastry  into this  pan and  sprinkle some white sesame seeds and shredded coconut on the top, then put the pan into the steamer and steam for 20 minutes with middle-large fir.) >>>>>>



步驟4. 自蒸鍋內拿出的黑糖糕烤盤,放在烤架上待涼後,再放入大碟子上即可。>>>>>>

(Step. 4. Take out the pan from the steamer and put on the rack to  cool, then put the black sugar cake up side down in a large dish. then  can be served.)>>>>.




備註: 一般標準的量匙如以下綠色者----1T(15ml)、1t(5ml)、1/2t(2.5ml)、1/4t(1.25ml)--量時要平面量。另外如以下銀色者----量時以尖面,其量才同標準者。



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