如果說住在大溫哥華地區, 不用買車或開車,每一位只要有票在手,仍可以遊遍各名勝、享受大溫的自然風光,對新移民者來說一定不相信。因為每一路線公車都通至各捷運站而且一票只要在一小時半內,皆可以共用一張即可。滿65歲者,只要付加幣$45.00買一張年票,就可以通到底。我住了兩年多的大溫,今年(2007)的8月才開始學乘坐公車與捷運,這對東西南北都不是很有槪念的我來說,真是一大福音。
TRANS LINK 運輸公司,一年出版兩次最新的交通手冊(9月3日--次年4月20日和4月21日-9月2日)。每個人都可以去各圖書館免費拿取7種區域的手冊,手冊內載明每一公車路線的時刻表與路線圖。
1). Burnaby/New Westminster(本拿比/新西敏)
2). Richmond/South Delta(列治文/南底兒塔)
3). Surrey/North Delta/White Rock/Langley(素里/北底兒塔/白石鎮/蘭里)
4). Coquitlam/Port Coquitlam/Port Moody/Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge/Wes Coast Express
5). North Vancouver/Seabus(北溫哥華/海上公車)
6). Vancouver Book 1>Vancouver/UBC/SeaBus(溫哥華1>溫哥華/ubc大學/海上公車)
7). Vancouver Book 2>Vancouver/UBC/Airport/SeaBus(溫哥華2>溫哥華/ubc大學/海上公車)
8). 但是西溫的公車表,一般圖書館拿不到,必須搭西溫的公車上或西溫的圖書館,才拿得到。
這是成人月票(1區),一般分成3區3種價格(溫哥華市中心1區>>(黃色部份),列治文/本拿比/新西敏/西溫/北溫 1區>>(紅色部份),其他一區>>(綠色部份)從以下網站內可以區分的很清楚,而且也詳細說明搭乘的方 式>>>>>>http://www.translink.ca/en/Schedules-and-Maps/Fare-Zone-Map.aspx,如果要從其中一區乘坐到另一區,就得買屬2區的車票,如一次跨乘3區,就得買3區的車票(fare)>>>
(公車/捷運的票價自2008/01/01 調漲--1區成人月票一張$73.00,高中以下不分區月票一張$42.00)
以下 Concession Farecard 是中學以下學生月票,學生享有不分區共用一張票的權利。>>>>>>>>>>
以下Faresaver tickets 是一小本10張屬成人不想買月票者使用(分3個區,3種票價)>>>>>>>
以下Faresaver tickets 是一小本10張專屬高中以下的學生使用(不分區也沒閱份的限制)>>>>>>>>
車票可以每次投錢(需自備零錢)取得一張車票,或去7-11商店購買本10張的車票(成人分1區、2區、3區的約大8折,學生的不再打折)。每次購票一人一區(one zone)$2.50、一人2區(two zone)$3.75、一人3區(tree zone)$5.00。
P.S.: 1. 成人車票或月票,如果在星期六(或星期到星期五下午6:30後)個人搭乘,可以以1區的票,搭乘2區或3區的地方而不用再加價。如果在星期日或國定假日用車票搭乘同星期六,但用1張月票則可以1成人免費帶1大人+4小孩,以1區的票,搭乘2區或3區的地方。(這是鼓勵居民假日全家搭交通運輸出遊之故) >>
Concession Fares
Children 5 to 13 years, secondary students 14 to 19 years with a valid GoCard, seniors 65+ with proof of age and HandyCard holders are eligible to travel at Concession fares.
Children 4 years and younger ride for free when accompanied by an adult. CNIB and War Amputee pass holders may also ride for free.
Cash Fares | |||
Buses require exact coin fare. SkyTrain accepts coins (except pennies) & bills (up to $20). Debit & credit cards are accepted at most SkyTrain stations. | |||
Zone | Adult | Concession | |
Regular Fares Weekdays from start of service to 6:30pm | 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone | $2.50 $3.75 $5.00 | $1.75 $2.50 $3.50 |
Discount Fares Weekdays after 6:30pm and all day Sat/Sun/Hol | All Zones | $2.50 | $1.75 |
FareSaver Tickets Book of 10 tickets | Zone | Adult | Concession |
Regular Fares Weekdays from start of service to 6:30pm | 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone | $19.00 $28.50 $38.00 | $16.00 N/A N/A |
DayPasses | Zone | Adult | Concession |
All day 7 days a week | All Zones | $9.00 | $7.00 |
More Value in Monthly FareCards
Monthly FareCards provide unlimited travel within the selected zone(s) on weekdays and across all zones on weekends, statutory holidays, and after 6:30pm on weekday evenings.
Monthly FareCards | Zone | Adult | Concession |
| 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone | $73.00 $99.00 $136.00 | $42.00 for all Zones |
*Savings based on the cost of 20 adult single fare return trips
**Concession FareCard is valid in all zones, all day
Plus, On Sundays and Statutory Holidays you can use your FareCard and take five others with you for free. A total of six: Two adults (14 and older) and up to four children (13 and under) ride on a single Adult FareCard, West Coast Express 28-Day Pass, or Annual Employer Transit Pass (does not apply to Concession Passes).
http://www.translink.bc.ca/default.asp (BC省Translink大眾運輸公司網站)
1. Cash Fare 與 DayPass 沒變,維持如上票價
2. 一小本10張的月票調整如下>>>>
FareSaver Tickets Book of 10 tickets | Zone | Adult | Concession |
Regular Fares Weekdays from start of service to 6:30pm | 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone | $21.00 $31.50 $42.00 | $17.00 N/A N/A |
3. 月票(Monthly FareCard)調整如下>>>>>>>
Monthly FareCards | Zone | Adult | Concession |
| 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone | $81.00 $110.00 $151.00 | $46.50 for all Zones |
1. 一小本10張的月票調整如下>>>>
FareSaver Tickets Book of 10 tickets | Zone | Adult | Concession |
Regular Fares Weekdays from start of service to 6:30pm | 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone | $21.00 $31.50 $42.00 | $17.50 N/A N/A |
2. 月票(Monthly FareCard)調整如下>>>>>>>
Monthly FareCards | Zone | Adult | Concession |
| 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone | $91.00 $124.00 $170.00 | $52.00 for all Zones |
3. 一天票(DayPass )調整如下>>>>>>>
DayPass | Adult | Concession | |
| $9.75 | $7.50 for all Zones |
4. 現金票 ( Cash Fares ) Zone Adult Concession
Regular Fares Weekdays from start of service to 6:30pm | 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone | $2.75 $4.00 $5.50 | $1.75 $2.75 $3.75 |
Discount Fares Weekdays after 6:30pm and all day Sat/Sun/Hol | All Zones | $2.75 | $1.75 |
Visit translink.ca/wce for more information
1. 如假日搭公車及skytran是否只付大人票價就可,帶3個小孩不用要付(5,11,12年級)? ANS: 平常星期一到星期五(國定假日不算),個人付個人的票價(包括月票,1區域到3區域),星期六與(星期一到星期五的下午6;30以後)持一區域(one Zone)月票的成人(學生月票不分區域)可以搭公車或高鐵到2或3區域的地方,不用再補票差。星期日與國定假日才是一成人持一區域的月票(不包括買單日的票)可以免費帶另一成人與4個小孩(16歲以下),政策隨時間會稍有變動,要準確的訊息,請參閱以下公車的網站-- www.translink.bc.ca