目前分類:文化ㄉ差異(Different culture) (26)

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2013-09-09 告別單身貴族派對 (bridal shower party) (149) (0)
2013-03-01 看加拿大人如何育兒 (How do Canadian Parents Raise Kids)? (242) (2)
2012-01-25 2012/01/22年夜飯團聚(New Year Eve) (20) (1)
2011-09-26 後巷聚會餐(Block Party in 2011) (9) (0)
2011-08-01 溫哥華同性戀大遊行(Vancouver Pride Parade & Festival) (657) (0)
2011-07-25 飄眉與繡眉的不同(the Difference of fluttering and Embroidering Eyebrow) (17228) (0)
2011-04-10 老外看台灣(the Foreigner's view in Taiwan) (59) (5)
2010-09-18 後巷聚會餐(Alley Party in 2010) (6) (3)
2009-10-03 再富也要窮孩子或再窮也要富孩子(How to treat our kids by poorly or richly)? (22) (1)
2009-09-30 你是尼特族(Are you a NEET)嗎? (111) (2)
2009-07-22 日人過七夕派對(the Party of the Seventh Evening of July) (10) (1)
2009-07-06 丹麥孩童馬戲團(Kid's Circus of Denmark) (12) (0)
2009-05-14 不一樣的母親節(Have Never experienced before 2009 Mother's day) (8) (4)
2009-03-31 春假休閒的一日(the Enjoying Day of Spring Break) (71) (1)
2008-09-15 義大利式球戲(Bocce ball) (932) (0)
2008-05-25 本拿比中學中心樂團(Burnaby Central Music Department) (13) (1)
2008-05-13 母親節的殊榮(the Special Mother's Day of 2008) (4) (1)
2008-04-07 世界婦女會(Women of the World) (19) (2)
2007-12-08 溫哥華的彩虹(Vancouver Rainbow) (12) (0)
2007-07-18 美加的汽車保險歸屬(The insurance of car in the Northern America) (15) (0)
2007-06-29 小女畢業了(Youngest daughter graduated from elementary school!) (23) (1)
2007-02-20 2007/2/17除夕夜(New Year Eve) (3) (1)
2007-01-09 白孔雀(white peacock) (12) (0)
2006-12-23 小學聖誕節前的活動 (108) (0)
2006-11-16 讓家中有小孩的父母之省思(for parents) (11) (0)
2006-10-27 難熬ㄉ一天(the worst day) (9) (2)