目前分類:卑詩省的四季(B.C. Seasons) (23)

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2013-07-16 7月的絲蘭美姿 (The Beauty of Yucca in July) (41) (2)
2013-02-26 番紅花的魅力(The charming Crocuses) (97) (2)
2012-12-02 秋風掃落葉(Don't Leaf it alone or on the street) (53) (1)
2012-10-30 南瓜的盛會(Pumkin's Event) (62) (0)
2012-03-20 早春的小花(the Early Spring's little flowers) (76) (1)
2011-08-15 金魚藻的風姿(Snapdragon) (40) (1)
2011-05-16 加拿大的報春蒲公英(Dandelions in Canada) (325) (5)
2010-10-18 亞當斯河歌頌鮭魚節(Salute to the Sockeye beside Adams River) (309) (0)
2010-05-11 5-6月的耬斗草(Columbine) (57) (2)
2009-07-15 卑斯省七月的花宴(the Blossom of July in BC) (344) (3)
2009-06-11 卑斯省六月的花宴(the Blossom of June in BC) (41) (1)
2009-05-09 五月卑詩省杜鵑花季(the Rhododendron Blossom of BC) (190) (1)
2009-05-06 卑斯省五月的花宴(the Blossom of May in BC) (119) (2)
2009-04-20 4-5月卑詩省櫻花季(the Cherry Blossom of BC) (4796) (6)
2009-04-12 卑斯省三至四月的花宴(the Blossom of March and April in BC) (124) (7)
2009-01-10 2009冬雪壓垮素里的運動中心(2009 Winter Snow Caved Rec-center roof) (5) (0)
2008-12-25 40年來最冷的聖誕節(The coldest Christmas in the past 40 years) (13) (2)
2008-12-05 螃蟹蘭的丰采(the Figure of Christmas Cactus) (4268) (2)
2007-02-03 冰湖(Ice Lake) (46) (0)
2006-12-23 聖誕節前的盛況 (9) (0)
2006-11-26 下雪了,一片白雪皚皚(Snow) (25) (1)
2006-10-22 五彩繽紛ㄉ秋天(Colorful fall) (155) (2)
2006-10-03 卑斯省的鮭魚洄游(the Migration of Salmon in B.C. ) (2489) (4)