發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2011-05-03 同性戀英文名的大集合(the English Name Gather of Gay) (3630) (0)
2011-04-29 櫻花很美,卻讓過敏者難過(Beautiful Cherry Blossoms Let Allergics worse) (282) (2)
2011-04-27 加拿大的小學教什麼(What do you learn in the elementary schools in Canada) ? (3065) (3)
2011-04-18 加拿大配偶移民有新規定(There are New rules of Sponsoring Spouse in Canada) (221) (0)
2011-04-10 老外看台灣(the Foreigner's view in Taiwan) (59) (5)
2011-03-01 加拿大製麵包機(Sunbean)與美國製麵包機(Black&Decker) (5117) (9)
2011-02-22 如何在加拿大選購自己理想中的家(How to choose the best own house in Canada?) (1493) (2)
2011-02-14 加拿大的醫療制度(the Medical Treatment System in Canada) (3425) (3)
2011-01-30 加拿大的狗牌(Dog Licence in Canada) (366) (1)
2011-01-20 加拿大移民部嚴查省推薦移民目的地(CIC has Strictly Check the Destination of PNP's immigrants) (212) (0)
2011-01-12 烤番薯(Baking Sweet Potatoes) (974) (9)
2011-01-06 娘惹糕(Nyonya Cake) (366) (3)
2010-12-24 肉羹湯麵(Meat broth w/noodle) (290) (6)
2010-12-20 移民定居加拿大---選加東還是加西?(The immigrant settles down Canada, select east or west Canada?) (961) (3)
2010-12-09 職業的高低-中西教育的比較(the Level of Vocation--Comparison between Western and Oriental Education) (79) (3)
2010-12-03 電腦犯罪已滲透網路(the Cybercrime has Permeated Internet) (32) (0)
2010-11-24 拉妮娜的威力(the Influence of La Nina Climate) (243) (8)
2010-11-20 健走的好處(the Benefit of Walking) (54) (1)
2010-11-15 加拿大的國殤日(Canadian Remembrance Day) (142) (2)
2010-11-10 巴西葡萄樹 (The Jabuticaba -a Brazilian Grape Tree) (1006) (4)
2010-11-06 日光節約時間的歷史(the History of Daylight Saving Time) (120) (1)
2010-10-31 澳洲的卡布奇諾海灘(the Cappuccino Beach in Australia) (116) (4)
2010-10-26 加拿大的萬聖節(Halloween) (1111) (2)
2010-10-22 梅干菜扣肉(Stew Pork with Dried Mustard vegetable) (48) (33)
2010-10-18 亞當斯河歌頌鮭魚節(Salute to the Sockeye beside Adams River) (311) (0)
2010-10-08 阿富汗洞窟與電影(Afghanistan Villages & the Kite Runner) (10) (2)
2010-10-02 餛飩湯( Won Ton Soup) (226) (4)
2010-09-25 羅倫佐的油(Lorenzo's Oil) (560) (3)
2010-09-20 文旦柚的用途(How to Use the Shaddock) (142) (3)
2010-09-18 後巷聚會餐(Alley Party in 2010) (6) (3)
2010-09-14 俯瞰台灣(Overlooking Taiwan) (59) (1)
2010-09-11 美國華盛頓與奧勒岡州之旅(the Trip of Washington & Oregon in the States) (149) (1)
2010-08-08 堅果仁的世界(Nuts of the world) (2209) (10)
2010-08-06 自種豆莢(How to Plant Peas/Beans in Canada) (311) (3)
2010-08-04 鹹稀飯(Salted Porridge of Rice/Millet/oatmeal) (97) (4)
2010-07-21 如何申請楓葉卡(How to apply for the Permanent Resident Card) (6660) (4)
2010-07-15 非洲紫羅蘭(African Violet) (904) (3)
2010-07-13 奧根娜根湖與基隆拿之遊(Okanagan Lake & Kelowna ) (265) (1)
2010-07-03 梅子綠茶(Green Tea with Plum) (35) (2)
2010-06-29 加拿大聯邦移民法變嚴格了(More Strict in Canadian Immigrant Rules) (45) (3)
2010-06-28 自種草莓(Plant Strawberry) (1918) (3)
2010-06-24 榴槤樹(Durian) (148) (6)
2010-06-21 加拿大的父親節由來及習俗(Canadian Father's Day) (2879) (1)
2010-06-21 韭菜盒(Leeks or Chives Pie) (116) (3)
2010-06-17 卑斯省留學生移民提名計劃((Provincial Nominee Program) (872) (0)
2010-06-07 如何有效利用黃豆渣(How to use the Soy Bean Ground?) (17867) (4)
2010-06-05 涼拌小黃瓜(Dressed Cucumbers with Minced Garlic/Sauce) (201) (3)
2010-06-01 工作時數與超時工作(Employment Standards Act-Hours of Work and Overtime) (836) (2)
2010-05-29 龍利魚(蝶魚)的蒸與BBQ法(Steamed and BBQ Sole/Basa) (359) (3)
2010-05-25 椰凍/果凍(Coconut/Juice Jelly) (142) (5)