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2012-09-11 曼寧公園(Manning Park) (404) (3)
2012-07-23 新例生效 餐館用餐可自帶葡萄酒(Grape Wine can be Brought in Restaurant by New Legislation in BC) (14) (1)
2012-06-04 加拿大維多利亞節(Victoria Day in Canada) (445) (1)
2012-05-05 稀奇的五月冰雹(Unusual Hail in May) (10) (2)
2012-05-04 看鷹峭壁(Eagle Bluff) (182) (3)
2012-04-26 隱翅蟲(Rove beetle) (990) (0)
2012-04-18 韓式泡菜湯(Korean Kimchi Soup) (113) (24)
2012-03-27 芋饅頭(Taro Steam Buns) (163) (43)
2012-03-20 早春的小花(the Early Spring's little flowers) (76) (1)
2012-03-09 黑腳壁蝨(Blacklegged Tick) (1137) (2)
2012-03-05 卑斯省的老師罷工(Teachers' Strike in B.C. ) (190) (2)
2012-03-01 滷茶葉蛋(Stewed Eggs with Tea Bags) (245) (12)
2012-02-27 瓶鼻海豚如何生小寶寶(How did Bottlenose Dolphin Give Birth to Baby)? (135) (3)
2012-02-16 甚麼是從加拿大到美國的Nexus(What's the Nexus from Canada to the States)? (41) (1)
2012-02-13 告別了! 櫻桃樹(Farewell Cherry Tree) (111) (2)
2012-02-06 卑詩省的中學課程全部免費(It’s free anywhere in BC for High School Courses) (38) (0)
2012-01-30 2012龍年溫哥華春節慶會(Vancouver Chinatown Spring Festival) (4) (1)
2012-01-25 2012/01/22年夜飯團聚(New Year Eve) (20) (1)
2011-12-08 空巢期的困擾(the Puzzle of Spatial Nest Time) (2479) (2)
2011-12-06 為母則強( to be Stronger When as a Mother) (613) (5)
2011-11-26 大溫強風停電關校(Strong Wind Stopped Power and Schools in Greater Vancouver) (23) (0)
2011-11-20 溫哥華11月中旬提早下雪了(Vancouver has early snow in mid-November) (298) (1)
2011-11-13 三杯雞(Stewed Chicken with Mixed Sauce) (76) (4)
2011-11-09 珊瑚的種類(the Species of Corals) (502) (1)
2011-11-07 年齡活動注意力缺陷障礙A.A.A.D.D.(Age- Activated Attention Deficit Disorder) (361) (3)
2011-11-02 迭極10景色(Liez Vistas) (53) (2)
2011-10-20 絲瓜米鬚的矽格河(Sigurd Creek of Squamish in BC) (78) (17)
2011-10-12 加拿大卑詩省的斯特拉坎山(Mt. Strachan of BC in canada) (63) (2)
2011-10-05 "飆車事件”暴露太空人移民家庭對下一代的教育問題("Racing Incident" Immigrant Families of Astronauts ....) (98) (2)
2011-09-30 加拿大的生活禮儀(the Rituals of life in Canada) (1878) (2)
2011-09-26 後巷聚會餐(Block Party in 2011) (9) (0)
2011-09-16 頭盔湖步道(Helm Lake Trail in BC) (84) (0)
2011-09-03 加拿大卑斯省的西摩爾山(the Seymour Mountain of BC in Canada) (78) (1)
2011-08-29 反對黨領袖杰克林頓離世了(the Leader of Official Opposition/Jack Layton had Succumbed to Cancer) (23) (0)
2011-08-26 當保母可成加拿大移民的跳板(Being A Live-In Caregiver Can Make Canadian Immigration easier) (987) (2)
2011-08-20 在加拿大使用海外無線電話小心挨罰(Using Overseas Wireless Phone Be Careful to Get Fine in Canada) (98) (0)
2011-08-18 要適應加拿大生活,得從改變心態開始(Have to Change the Attitude to Adapt the Life in Canada) (980) (3)
2011-08-15 金魚藻的風姿(Snapdragon) (40) (1)
2011-08-04 討厭的溫哥華蚊子(the Nuisance Mosquitoes in Vancouver) (856) (1)
2011-08-01 溫哥華同性戀大遊行(Vancouver Pride Parade & Festival) (657) (0)
2011-07-25 飄眉與繡眉的不同(the Difference of fluttering and Embroidering Eyebrow) (17228) (0)
2011-07-23 反常的溫哥華7月天(the Unusual Climate in Vancover of 2011/July) (95) (4)
2011-07-16 紅燒牛肉湯(Braised Beef with Brown Soup) (28) (1)
2011-07-02 如何申請加拿大的失業保險金(How to apply for Canadian EI) (868) (0)
2011-06-24 舊貨出售(Yard Sale or Garage Sale) (193) (9)
2011-06-15 美加的冰上曲棍球...史丹利杯(Stanley Cup of the States and Canada) (52) (4)
2011-05-31 山東大餅(the Big Biscuits of Shandong) (4982) (48)
2011-05-28 如何申請BC省醫療卡醫療卡又稱健保卡(Care Card in BC of Canada) (5672) (4)
2011-05-24 加拿大的工卡(Social Insurance No. of Canada) (4171) (1)
2011-05-16 加拿大的報春蒲公英(Dandelions in Canada) (324) (5)