目前分類:健康美食自己做(Healthy Foods) (80)

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2017-01-30 置頂 台式甜米糕 (Taiwanese Sweet Sticky Rice Cake) (2508) (0)
2014-06-14 麵包房裡不可告人的七大陷阱 (Unspeakable 7 Traps in Bakery) (344) (0)
2013-08-16 香酥的胡桃/核桃糖 (the Crispy Pecans/Walnuts) (722) (1)
2013-02-02 養鍋秘笈~ 把不銹鋼鍋變不沾鍋(How to make stainless steel pans into nonstick pans?) (3616) (7)
2013-01-29 義大利麵(Spaghetti) (73) (0)
2013-01-04 甜米糕(Sweet rice cakes) (1213) (0)
2012-11-20 羅宋湯(Borscht) (118) (2)
2012-11-06 韓式辣味年糕(Korean Spicy Rice Cake ) (60) (1)
2012-09-29 簡易做麻糬 (Mochi) (263) (6)
2012-04-18 韓式泡菜湯(Korean Kimchi Soup) (113) (24)
2012-03-27 芋饅頭(Taro Steam Buns) (163) (43)
2012-03-01 滷茶葉蛋(Stewed Eggs with Tea Bags) (245) (12)
2011-11-13 三杯雞(Stewed Chicken with Mixed Sauce) (76) (4)
2011-07-16 紅燒牛肉湯(Braised Beef with Brown Soup) (28) (1)
2011-05-31 山東大餅(the Big Biscuits of Shandong) (4985) (48)
2011-03-01 加拿大製麵包機(Sunbean)與美國製麵包機(Black&Decker) (5111) (9)
2011-01-12 烤番薯(Baking Sweet Potatoes) (973) (9)
2011-01-06 娘惹糕(Nyonya Cake) (358) (3)
2010-12-24 肉羹湯麵(Meat broth w/noodle) (289) (6)
2010-10-22 梅干菜扣肉(Stew Pork with Dried Mustard vegetable) (48) (33)
2010-10-02 餛飩湯( Won Ton Soup) (226) (4)
2010-08-04 鹹稀飯(Salted Porridge of Rice/Millet/oatmeal) (97) (4)
2010-07-03 梅子綠茶(Green Tea with Plum) (34) (2)
2010-06-21 韭菜盒(Leeks or Chives Pie) (116) (3)
2010-06-07 如何有效利用黃豆渣(How to use the Soy Bean Ground?) (17847) (4)
2010-06-05 涼拌小黃瓜(Dressed Cucumbers with Minced Garlic/Sauce) (181) (3)
2010-05-29 龍利魚(蝶魚)的蒸與BBQ法(Steamed and BBQ Sole/Basa) (356) (3)
2010-05-25 椰凍/果凍(Coconut/Juice Jelly) (140) (5)
2010-05-06 牛/豬肉餡餅(Beef/Pork Pie) (363) (3)
2010-03-22 韓式水餃海苔湯(Korean Dumpling & Seaweed Soup) (108) (2)
2009-12-31 台式泡菜(Taiwanese Kimchi) (962) (1)
2009-11-26 美國的感恩節與燉牛肉南瓜湯(the States' Thanksgiving and Simmer Beef Soup) (144) (3)
2009-11-13 夏南瓜起司麥芬(Zucchini Cheese Muffins) (21) (2)
2009-10-22 西式米香(Rice Krispies Squares) (2427) (6)
2009-07-10 奶油磅蛋糕(Butter Pound Cake) (328) (4)
2009-06-09 油飯(the Fried Sweet Rice) (133) (1)
2009-05-31 麻婆豆腐(Spicy Tofu with Minced Pork) (29) (0)
2009-05-23 涼拌豆干絲(Dressed Shredded Tofu with Minced Garlic) (407) (2)
2009-05-07 鳳梨酥(Pineapple Cakes) (4137) (7)
2009-04-10 涼拌海帶絲(Dressed Shredded Seaweed with Minced Garlic) (59) (2)
2009-04-03 加州壽司捲(California Sushi Roll) (78) (1)
2009-02-22 玉米蘑菇濃湯(Corn/Mushroom Soup) (134) (2)
2009-02-04 涼拌毛豆(Dressed Young Soybean with Salted Pepper) (135) (0)
2009-01-28 烤年糕(Baking Rice Cake) (146) (0)
2008-12-16 冬至到了(Winter Solstice is Coming) (36) (3)
2008-11-21 墨西哥薄烙餅的吃法(The eating ways of Tortilla or Pita) (359) (2)
2008-11-16 桂花綠茶(Green Tea with Swet Osmanthus) (33) (0)
2008-09-30 雙色饅頭(Steamed Two Colours Breads) (177) (11)
2008-09-26 台式炒米粉(Taiwanese Stir-Fried Rice Noodle) (39) (3)
2008-08-30 蜂蜜蛋糕(Honey Egg Cake) (70) (2)
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